[Mapserver-users] flash output problem

baud remi baud.remy at caramail.com
Tue Nov 4 02:19:06 PST 2003

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Hi the list,

I wanted to output flash file for vector datas like polygons. (I use chameleon 1.1, ms4w 0.5)

I've set in my chameleon.map file:

In map object:      IMAGETYPE SWF

                                            NAME swf 
                                           MIMETYPE "application/x-shockwave-flash" 
                                          DRIVER swf 
                                          IMAGEMODE PC256 
                                          FORMATOPTION "OUTPUT_MOVIE=MULTIPLE" 

Then, when I lauch my application, no .swf file are written in c:\ms4w\tmp\ms_tmp\
My application don't load, it's always the "please wait ..." displayed.
I suppose there is something with drawmap.php which tells that he encoutred problem with .swf files.
My configuaration for mapserver 4.1 tells that mapscript support swf files.

Do Anyone had a suggestion?


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