[Mapserver-users] MrSID

Oliver Wesp wesp at gdv.com
Wed Nov 26 02:33:32 PST 2003


MrSID is supported through GDAL. This is a new devlopment. Here is what 
Frank has posted on this list (2003/22/08):

"This is a new development.  MrSID support was implemented by Andrey 
Kiselev in the last 2 months under a contract from i-Cubed specifically 
to allow use of MrSID in MapServer.

On Linux (and presumably other Unix platforms) you would configure with 
the --with-mrsid=(dir) switch.  The MrSID DSDK on Linux requires a very 
specific version of gcc, so everything else (GDAL, and MapServer) will 
need to be compiled with the same version.

On Windows set the MRSID_HOME variable in the GDAL nmake.opt file.

Some additional details are available in the GDAL "building from source"
page, and in MrSID format page itself.  Followups on build problems 
should go to the gdal-dev list.

I would add that due to the licensing of the MrSID libraries, I am 
unable to redistribute binaries of GDAL utilities or MapServer with 
MrSID support. You will need to license the DSDK from Lizardtech and 
build GDAL yourself. "

best regards

Matthias Schulz wrote:
> As I have seen in the archive there are currently no plans to support
> MrSID data. I am wondering what would be the programming effort for this
> integration if one would use the sdk from MrSID. Could anyone give me a
> rough idea of the effort or the aproach? 
> Thanks,
> Matthias
> ---
> Matthias Schulz
> GAF AG     Arnulfstr. 197    80634 Muenchen   Germany
> tel.: +49 (0)89 121528-28    fax: +49 (0)89 121528-79
> mailto:schulz at gaf.de         http://www.gaf.de
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Dipl.-Geogr. Oliver Wesp
Gesellschaft fu"r geografische Datenverarbeitung
Binger Strasse 49-51
D-55218 Ingelheim
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http: www.gdv.com

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