[Mapserver-users] Compiling problems.

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Nov 27 14:31:46 PST 2003

jose rodriguez wrote:
> I am trying to compile MS 3.6.6 on RH 9 but get an
> error message. Maybe someone can help me.
> Here are the facts:
> 1.I downloaded the mapserver-3.6.6.tar.gz, untar the
> file with no trouble.
> 2. In the mapserver directory
> (/usr/src/mapserver-3.6.6) I type ./configure
> --with-jpeg --with-gd --with-freetype=/usr/lib
> --with-zlib=/usr/lib --with-png=/usr/lib --without-pdf
> --without-tiff --without-eppl
> --with-postgis=/usr/src/postgresql-7.3.2/src/bin/pg_config
> --with-php=/usr/src/php-4.3.2
> I added the config.log file to this mail, seems ok to
> me.
> 3. when I type "make" I get the following:
> gcc -c -O2  -Wall -DIGNORE_MISSING_DATA      
> -DUSE_GD_FT     -DUSE_POSTGIS   -I/usr/include        
>   -I   maptemplate.c -o maptemplate.o
> gcc: no hay ficheros de entrada
> make: *** [maptemplate.o] Error 1

It seems that one of GD_INC or POSTGIS_INC has been set to '-I ' in the 
Makefile and that breaks the build command.

It could be that you aren't pointing to a valid pg_config script (the 
configure script doesn't even validate the path before it calls 
pg_config, duh!). What do you get when you run the following command?

   /usr/src/postgresql-7.3.2/src/bin/pg_config --includedir

  Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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