[Mapserver-users] exporting dxf file using php/mapscript

woodbri at swoodbridge.com woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Tue Sep 2 19:54:07 EDT 2003

Well, aside from various difficulties you might face with respect to 
handling data that dxf may not handle well, like image data, I think 
the best way to do this would be to write an OUTFORMAT driver for DXF 
format. I think you be able to use the Flash driver as a start point 
and modify it to write DXF instead. Having never ventured into this 
code I may not know what I'm talking about but both Flash and DXF 
support vectors, polygons and annotation.

Just a thought,
  -Steve W.

On 2 Sep 2003 at 23:08, fx gamoy wrote:

> hello world,
> Is it a way to export dxf file with php/mapscript?
> I would like to enable a function which allow the end-user to export
> on th fly a dxf file of the image map.
> any suggestion?
> thanks
> fx

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