[Mapserver-users] Tutorial raster examples on Mapserver 4.0?

Ann Keane Ann.Keane at noaa.gov
Thu Sep 4 09:31:59 PDT 2003

STATUS DEFAULT causes the following error:

[Thu Sep  4 10:08:24 2003] [error] [client] Premature end 
of script headers: /usr/local/apache_1.3.27/cgi-bin/mapserv

The same GDAL installation works for 3.5, so I'm inclined to think GDAL 
is working and mapserv is the problem.  I'm not sure how to trouble 
shoot it from here.  I will probably use 3.6 and php and not worry about 
4.0 until later.

Thanks for your help and for open sourcing your work.  We'd never have 
the GIS support to develop our project website otherwise.


Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Ann Keane wrote:
>> Maybe you can see what I'm missing.  I compiled MS3.5 and the original 
>> example works.  Under MS4.0, all I get is an empty png image.  Here's 
>> what I've got for MS4.0.
>> The map file for ms4.0 is:
>> EXTENT -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562
>> SIZE 400 300
>> LAYER # Shaded Relief Raster
>>   NAME "relief"
>>   DATA 
>> "/httpd/www/programs/2003/neaqs/tutorial35/data/raster/shdrlfi020g_ugl.tif" 
>>  # STATUS DEFAULT  # default does not work
>>   END
>> END # end of map file
> Ann,
> It would appear that GDAL is recognising the georeferencing just fine. The
> only questionable thing I can see is the STATUS ON flag.  Does it work any
> better with STATUS DEFAULT?  If the problem persists, then I would 
> encourage
> you to zip up the .map file, and the TIFF file and the world file and put
> it somewhere I can grab it (or upload to 
> ftp://gdal.velocet.ca/pub/incoming).
> Best regards,

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