[Mapserver-users] Weather / Climate information using MapServer

Geoffrey Rowland geoffrey.rowland at noaa.gov
Thu Sep 4 11:50:54 PDT 2003

Anyone doing this?  Specifically I'm trying to get  min/max temps and 
precip layers on top of a shp file I am using. I have some data from 
NOAA, however I'm not familair with it's format.  I can open it up in 
GrADS and view the data on a map, so I would think *in theory* I should 
be able to get this data into a format that mapserver can work with, I'm 
just not sure how to go about doing that. I also have access to safe 
softwares feature manipulation engine if that would be of any help (for 
translations).  Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I am getting the data from the following locations



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