[Mapserver-users] Need help getting php to run on apache

nils hayden dawgfan97 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 8 13:33:39 EDT 2003

I am trying to get php to run on apache version 1.3.27
on a windows 2000 OS.  We are using mapserver 3.6.6
and php 4.3.2 

We have run into the problem that we have fcgi enabled
instead of just plain old cgi.  this, the php wont
work, and our needs require just cgi, not fcgi.  

I have already doubled checked with the install.txt
file  and followed the instructions on installing PHP
as a CGI binary. 
I set the cgi.force_redirect = 1 in the php.ini file.

then in the httpd.conf file i made sure that:
ScriptAlias /php/ "c:/php/"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php.exe"

were all set as required in the installation text.
alas, this was apparantly not the problem as the
information was already correct, and not the cause of
the php not working.

I also spent a considerable amount of the day googling
my troubles and looking for documentation, similar
situations for my OS/webclient, and any information I
could find, but to no avail.

If anyone has experienced similar problems and worked
through them, or sees something obvious that I am
missing I would greatly appreciate the help.  


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