[Mapserver-users] automatic generation of location maps

James Jefferson jj at aprsworld.net
Wed Sep 10 08:48:41 PDT 2003

Here is what I use to put points on a map from a mysql database:

function createAPRSAreaLayer( $db, $oImage ) {
    $sql = sprintf("SELECT * FROM lastposition WHERE packet_date >= 
date_sub(now(),INTERVAL %lf MINUTE) AND (latitude >= %lf && latitude <= %lf) 
AND (longitude >= %lf && longitude <= 

    $query = mysql_query($sql,$db);

    $oLayer = $GLOBALS["goMap"]->getLayerByName("aprs");
    while ( $rec=mysql_fetch_array($query) ) {

        /* Create the point shape */
        $oShape = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POINT);

        /* add the label */
        $label = $rec["source"];
//        if ( "" != $rec["status"] )
//            $label .= "\n" . $rec["status"];
        $oShape->set("text", $label);

        /* Which is defined as a line with a single point */
        $oLine = ms_newLineObj();

        /* We add a point to the line */
        $oLine->addXY((double) $rec["longitude"], (double) $rec["latitude"]);

        /* We add the line to the shape */

        /* Add the feature to the layer */
        if ( -1 == $oLayer->addFeature($oShape) ) {
            printf("Error adding feature!<BR>\n");
            printf("lat: %lf lon: %lf source: %s 


    $GLOBALS["inViewCount"] = $stationCount;
    return $stationCount;

You can see the source to more of the application at:

And an example (work in progress) at:


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