[Mapserver-users] Draw line in a map file

Eric Bridger eric at gomoos.org
Wed Sep 10 05:44:35 PDT 2003

You need a FEATURE object in your map file.  See this:

Sorry I can't recall exactly how it is used.  I believe the FEATURE must
be part of a LAYER. Your POINTS can be either pixels or lat/lon by
setting TRANSFORM FALSE (pixels) or TRUE (lat/lon)


On Wed, 2003-09-10 at 15:06, rajsalem at optonline.net wrote:
> hello mapserver-users,
>    How do i draw a line from a map file without having any shapefiles defined in the layer. Can i  draw a lines or points in a map file and just call the map from mapserver.
> Thanks,
> Raj.
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