[Mapserver-users] help help help!

Don mamwake at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 20 00:08:54 PDT 2003

hello all,am  very new to mapserver and i want to have
web mapserver running, but i don't know howto.
below is my detailed configurations

Systems Info:
hp Proliant ML310 P IV(2Ghz)
 18Gb SCSCI 
 128 Ram(2160)
 OS=Redhat Linux 8.0
 Webserver=Apache(httpd)2.0.40-8 rpm version
 # removed these and dependent rpms
   rpm -e gd
   rpm -e curl-7.9.8-1
   rpm -e curl-devel-7.9.8-1
   rpm -e php
 # already have rpm installed
   rpm -q libpng-1.2.2-8
   rpm -q libpng-devel-1.2.2-8
   rpm -q libjpeg-6b-21
   rpm -q libjpeg-devel-6b-21
 # installed
   rpm -i pdflib-4.0.1-1.i386.rpm
 # downloaded and built ming
 tar xzf ming-0.2a.tgz
 cd ming-0.2a
 make static
 make install
 # downloaded and built curl
 tar xzf curl-7.10.3.tar.gz
 cd curl-7.10.3
 make install
 # added /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf
 # downloaded and installed gd-2 into /usr/local
 rm -f /usr/lib/libgd.*     
 tar xzf gd-2.0.11.tar.gz
 cd gd-2.0.11
 make install
 # downloaded and installed gdal-1.1.8
 tar xzf gdal-1.1.8.tar.gz
 cd gdal-1.1.8
 ./configure \ 
   --with-libz \ 
   --with-png \ 
   --with-libtiff=internal \ 
   --with-geotiff=internal \ 
   --with-jpeg \ 
   --without-jasper \ 
 make ogr-all
 make install
 # downloaded and built php-4.3.0
 tar xzf php-4.3.0.tar.gz
 cd php-4.3.0
 rm -f config.cache
 ./configure \ 
   --enable-force-cgi-redirect \ 
   --enable-discard-path \ 
   --with-config-file-path=/etc/httpd/ \ 
   --with-gd=/usr/local \ 
   --with-jpeg-dir \ 
   --with-png-dir \ 
   --with-zlib-dir \ 
   --with-freetype-dir \ 
   --without-ttf \ 
   --with-pdflib \ 
   --with-mysql \ 
   --with-regex=system \ 
   --with-ming \ 
   --enable-dbase \ 
   --enable-dbx \ 
 cp sapi/cgi/php /var/www/cgi-bin
 make install
 cp php.ini-dist /etc/httpd/php.ini
 diff /etc/httpd/php.ini php.ini-dist
  extension_dir = /etc/httpd/php_mods

 # downloaded and built proj libraries
 tar xzf proj-4.4.5.tar.gz
 cd proj-4.4.5/nad
 tar xzf ../../proj-nad27-1.1.tar.gz
 cd ..
 make install
 # downloaded and built mapserver-3.6.6
 tar xzf mapserver-3.6.6.tgz
 cd mapServer-3.6.6
 rm -f config.cache
 ./configure \ 
   --without-tiff \ 
   --without-eppl \ 
   --without-jpeg \ 
   --with-threads \ 
   --with-proj \ 
   --with-gdal=/usr/local/bin \ 
   --with-php=../php-4.3.0 \ 
   --with-gd=/usr/local \ 
   --with-freetype=/usr/bin \ 
   --with-pdf \ 
   --with-ogr \ 
   --with-gdal \ 
   --with-ming \ 
   --with-wmsclient \ 
   --with-wfs \ 
 cp legend mapserv scalebar /var/www/cgi-bin
 cp mapscript/php3/php_mapscript.so
 # added to /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
 AddType application/x-httpd-php-cgi .php .php4 .phtml
 Action  application/x-httpd-php-cgi /cgi-bin/php
 service httpd restart
 # created /var/www/html/info.php
 NB:// my major question is; how do i make maps or
  what other configuration is needed?..this where i
 have reached so far and am unable to get info on how
 to create maps and make them work!!wht else is
 pls help am very desparate!!
 thanks in advance!

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