[Mapserver-users] Re: [postgis-users] A Proposal and Request for Comments

Heitzso heitzso at growthmodels.com
Wed Sep 24 15:19:08 EDT 2003

No problem re unix/sh versus linux/bash.

When the dust settles re folks interested we
can sort out a communication structure.


> Heitzso <heitzso at growthmodels.com> writes:
>>My primary interests in sending out this email ...
>>- Is anyone interested in working together to
>>   build a set of open source linux/bash/python scripts
>>   to auto-download and crunch census sf1/sf3/tiger
>>   data into ready-to-map digested postgis tables along
>>   with appropriate indexes?
> I'd love to see that happen, but please change "linux" into "unix" and
> "bash" into "sh" and we'll get along fine.
> --Michael

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