[Mapserver-users] Anyone done C# (.NET) Mapscript?

David Graham dgraham at i3.com
Fri Sep 26 18:40:27 EDT 2003

Hi everyone:

I was noticing that SWIG now supports C#.  Has anyone tried to SWIG 
MapScript into C# and bring it into the .NET environment?  I was just 
noticing that the project Geotools.Net on source forge has ported JTS to 
C#.  I think the JTS/Mapscript could be a powerful application 
development environement.  Just curious if anyone has taken the plung.  
I might try it myself shortly.


David W. Graham
Director of Geospatial Applications Development
information integration and imaging, LLC
201 Linden St, Third Floor
Fort Collins, CO 80524
(970) 482-4400
dgraham at i3.com

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