[Mapserver-users] zoom/pan icons
Elisabeth Nolz
e9625730 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Fri Apr 2 03:36:52 PST 2004
hi guys.
i know this is a frequently asked question :-( and i can remember reading a
similar one in the Mapserver Support but i can't find it again to look for a
is it possible to get images instead of the radio/checkbox buttons for
paning/zooming with PHP MapScript (version 3.6)? i tried this way, but i can't
get the zoom icons checked (default value is $check_pan="CHECKED"):
<td><INPUT TYPE=IMAGE SRC="icons/pan.gif" NAME="pan" ALT="Pan" VALUE=0 <?php
echo $check_pan?>></td>
<td><INPUT TYPE=IMAGE SRC="icons/zoomin.gif" NAME="zoomin" ALT="Zoom In"
VALUE=1 <?php echo $check_zin?>></td>
<td><INPUT TYPE=IMAGE SRC="icons/zoomout.gif" NAME="zoomout" ALT="Zoom Out"
VALUE=-1 <?php echo $check_zout?>></td>
could someone please help me?
i would be very glad.
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