April 2004 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Apr 1 00:46:48 PST 2004
Ending: Fri Apr 30 18:40:41 PDT 2004
Messages: 857
- [Fwd: Re: [Mapserver-users] connection string]
Keith Campbell
- [Fwd: Re: [Mapserver-users] QueryByPoint using Java/MapScript returns no results [SOLVED]]
Umberto Nicoletti
- [Mapserver-users] "Other" Class
Denis Lalonde
- [Mapserver-users] "Other" Class
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] --with-php, Mapserver 4.0.1, and Fedora
Lindsay C. Blanton
- [Mapserver-users] --with-php, Mapserver 4.0.1, and Fedora
Paul Dugas
- [Mapserver-users] --with-php, Mapserver 4.0.1, and Fedora
Lindsay C. Blanton
- [Mapserver-users] --with-php, Mapserver 4.0.1, and Fedora
Lindsay C. Blanton
- [Mapserver-users] --with-php, Mapserver 4.0.1, and Fedora
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] --with-php, Mapserver 4.0.1, and Fedora
Lindsay C. Blanton
- [Mapserver-users] --with-php, Mapserver 4.0.1, and Fedora
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] --with-php, Mapserver 4.0.1, and Fedora
Lindsay C. Blanton
- [Mapserver-users] --with-php, Mapserver 4.0.1, and Fedora
Mark Cave-Ayland
- [Mapserver-users] 10 second survey: gaps in MapServer
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] 4.2 beta 1 released...
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] 4.2 beta 1 released...
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Questions about EXTENT variable
P Wilkerson
- [Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Questions about EXTENT variable
Robert Chavez
- [Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Questions about EXTENT variable
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Questions about EXTENT variable
P Wilkerson
- [Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Using my own data.
Nico Alberti
- [Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Using my own data.
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Using my own data.
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Using my own data.
Nico Alberti
- [Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Using my own data.
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] [gis newbie] Using my own data.
Nico Alberti
- [Mapserver-users] [PHP] dynamic point data query (again) HELP PLEASE!!!!!
Gijs Epping
- [Mapserver-users] [PHP] dynamic point data query (again) HELP PLEASE!!!!!
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] A blank map??
P Wilkerson
- [Mapserver-users] Accessing PostGIS layers via OGR in MapServer
Mike Leahy
- [Mapserver-users] Accessing PostGIS layers via OGR in MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Accessing PostGIS layers via OGR in MapServer
Mike Leahy
- [Mapserver-users] Accessing PostGIS layers via OGR in MapServer
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] addPoint problems
Ken-ichi Ueda
- [Mapserver-users] addPoint problems, again
- [Mapserver-users] Advantages of MapServer and Product Comparisons
ross s
- [Mapserver-users] A newbie question about Esri .mdb files
Nico Alberti
- [Mapserver-users] A newbie question about Esri .mdb files
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] annotation layer + labeling of layer with multiple classes
Denis Lalonde
- [Mapserver-users] ANNOUNCE: Update on 2nd MapServer User Meeting and OSGIS 2004
Dave McIlhagga
- [Mapserver-users] arc gis wms
Heiko Kehlenbrink
- [Mapserver-users] ArcGrid format.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] ArcGrid format.
- [Mapserver-users] ArcGrid format.
- [Mapserver-users] ArcGrid format.
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] arcgrid to ascii(etc)
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Architecture Question - Mapserver and Databases
Ben Gervais
- [Mapserver-users] Architecture Question - Mapserver and Databases
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Are there UMN MapServer performance experiences, hard- and hoftware recommendations ?
Sebastian Bölling
- [Mapserver-users] Are there UMN MapServer performance experiences, hard- and hoftware recommendations ?
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Atlas Amsterdam, first week running
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Atlas Amsterdam, first week running
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] Atlas Amsterdam, first week running
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] BUG drawing ellipses
Paco Regodon
- [Mapserver-users] Calculate Scale
Irene Pérez
- [Mapserver-users] Calculate Scale
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] can I create a layer based on a mysql query?
Aaron Kreider
- [Mapserver-users] Can I query a TAB file (i.e. using OGR)?
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] Can I query a TAB file (i.e. using OGR)?
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] Change color of queried object via php_mapscript ?!
Michael Langner
- [Mapserver-users] Change color of queried object via php_mapscript ?!
Christian Grau
- [Mapserver-users] change map size in dhtml
Stender, Amy ERDC-CRREL-NH Contractor
- [Mapserver-users] change symbol with mapscipt??
ArminWaespy at web.de
- [Mapserver-users] change symbol with mapscipt??
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] change symbol with mapscipt??
Haiyan Liu
- [Mapserver-users] classes not showing up
Mahalakshmi Narayanan
- [Mapserver-users] classes not showing up in php/mapscript 41
Mahalakshmi Narayanan
- [Mapserver-users] Classification on more than 1 classitem
Delfos, Jacob
- [Mapserver-users] Classification on more than 1 classitem
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] Classification on more than 1 classitem
Delfos, Jacob
- [Mapserver-users] ColdFusion and MapServer
burnsy at vividfish.co.uk
- [Mapserver-users] ColdFusion and MapServer
Julien, Heryk
- [Mapserver-users] ColdFusion and MapServer
David Fawcett
- [Mapserver-users] colored tifs
Nick Petersen-Bergeron
- [Mapserver-users] colored tifs
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] communicating with arcmap
cristinanoversa at clix.pt
- [Mapserver-users] communicating with arcmap
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] communicating with arcmap
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] communicating with arcmap
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] companies hosting mapserver
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] companies who is hosting mapserver
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation problem (mapserver 4.0.2) possible mygis error ...
Herman De Pauw
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation problem (mapserver 4.0.2) possible mygis error ...
Attila Csipa
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation problem (mapserver 4.0.2) possible mygis error ...
Herman De Pauw
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation problem (mapserver 4.0.2) possible mygis error ...
Attila Csipa
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation problem (mapserver 4.0.2) possible mygis error ...
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation problem (mapserver 4.0.2) possible mygis error ...
Herman De Pauw
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation problem (mapserver 4.0.2) possible mygis error ...
Attila Csipa
- [Mapserver-users] Compilation problem (mygis)
Herman De Pauw
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP_MapScript.dl...
Mike Leahy
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP_MapScript.dl...
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP_MapScript.dl...
Mike Leahy
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP_MapScript.dl...
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP_MapScript.dl...
Mike Leahy
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP_MapScript.dl...
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP_MapScript.dl...
Mike Leahy
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP_MapScript.dl...
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Compiling PHP_MapScript.dl...
Mike Leahy
- [Mapserver-users] complex postgis queries in mapserver
andreas.mueller at bfua.de
- [Mapserver-users] complex postgis queries in mapserver
David Blasby
- [Mapserver-users] complex postgis queries in mapserver
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] connection string
Johan Duflost
- [Mapserver-users] connection string
Johan Duflost
- [Mapserver-users] Convert ArcGis to mapserver map file
Dave Malach
- [Mapserver-users] Creating classes with data from a mysql database
Attri, Abhishek
- [Mapserver-users] Creating classes with data from a mysql database
Alexandros Chimarios
- [Mapserver-users] Creating classes with data from a mysql database
Attri, Abhishek
- [Mapserver-users] current legend program working?
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Decimal degree number unit
Choi,Stephanie [Ontario]
- [Mapserver-users] Deliver Mail (mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu)
tmitchell at lignum.com
- [Mapserver-users] Delivery (mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu)
tmitchell at lignum.com
- [Mapserver-users] demo: legend, scalebar
malonso at meso.com
- [Mapserver-users] demo config problem
Changqing Zhou
- [Mapserver-users] demo config problem
Changqing Zhou
- [Mapserver-users] demo config problem
Changqing Zhou
- [Mapserver-users] demo error - solved! but not quite
ESSC Admin
- [Mapserver-users] demo site with satellite image RGB channel setting??
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] demo site with satellite image RGB channel setting??
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Different Font sizes at different zoom-factors
Bo Nintzel
- [Mapserver-users] Display ADF grid format through MapServer
Marcin Zajączkowski
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying Table data from MySQL
Mark Fennell
- [Mapserver-users] Displaying Table data from MySQL
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] draw label
leo.olivieri at tin.it
- [Mapserver-users] Draw only Labeled features
- [Mapserver-users] Draw only Labeled features
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] Draw only Labeled features
- [Mapserver-users] Draw only Labeled features
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] Dynamic Filter
Zamil Murji
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic label mysql
joerg pfeiffer
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic label mysql
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Dynamic Mapping and Tiger SHP File data
Lindsay C. Blanton
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic tileindex
ujunge at pmcentral.com
- [Mapserver-users] dynamic tileindex
Brent Fraser
- [Mapserver-users] Early bird rate for MUM2 ends tomorrow
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] erase img from tmp directory
william paul
- [Mapserver-users] erase img from tmp directory
Antonio Cosenza
- [Mapserver-users] erase img from tmp directory
Eduardo Spremolla
- [Mapserver-users] explanation of code in demo.map file
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] explanation of code in demo.map file
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Export in DXF
Gheysen Thibaut
- [Mapserver-users] Export in DXF
Attila Csipa
- [Mapserver-users] Export to GeoTIFF file
Gheysen Thibaut
- [Mapserver-users] Export to GeoTIFF file
Gheysen Thibaut
- [Mapserver-users] Export to GeoTIFF file
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Export to GeoTIFF file
Howard Mark
- [Mapserver-users] Extent & Projection for Germany
Bo Nintzel
- [Mapserver-users] Extent & Projection for Germany
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Ethan Alpert
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Ethan Alpert
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Ethan Alpert
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] EXTENT and PROJECTION
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Feature Count
Irene Pérez
- [Mapserver-users] Feature Count
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] features of mapserver
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] FILTER, how to . . . {repost}
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] finding extents of polygon in shapefile
mapserver at digger.net
- [Mapserver-users] finding extents of polygon in shapefile
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Follow up to mapserver errors
Landmark Geographic Solutions
- [Mapserver-users] Font and Rotation
- [Mapserver-users] french characters in layer class...
Denis Lalonde
- [Mapserver-users] french characters in layer class...
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] fully featured GIS and "mapserver vs GRASS GIS"
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] fully featured GIS and "mapserver vs GRASS GIS"
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] fully featured GIS and "mapserver vs GRASS GIS" {Scanned} {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- [Mapserver-users] fully featured GIS and "mapserver vs GRASS GIS" {Scanned} {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- [Mapserver-users] Fwd: Adding a legend to a map, can you help me please?
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Fwd: Warning again
assefa at dmsolutions.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Geocoder finally released for developer purusal
Eric Waters
- [Mapserver-users] GEOS: buffer function for MULTIPOLYGON geometry object
songzh at cs.orst.edu
- [Mapserver-users] Getcapabilites XML does not respect DTD!
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Getcapabilites XML does not respect DTD!
Julien, Heryk
- [Mapserver-users] getting coordinates of label
Ballini Yvain
- [Mapserver-users] Getting Position of the Label text as MS will place it
- [Mapserver-users] Getting Position of the Label text as MS will place it
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Getting Position of the Label text as MS will place it
- [Mapserver-users] Getting Position of the Label text as MSwill place it
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Getting Position of the Label text as MSwill place it
- [Mapserver-users] GIF and PNG file formats
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] GIF and PNG file formats
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] GIF and PNG file formats
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] GIF and PNG file formats
Thomas E Burk
- [Mapserver-users] GisMorphix available online
Sajith VK
- [Mapserver-users] GisMorphix available online
Sajith VK
- [Mapserver-users] GPS data Projection
Changqing Zhou
- [Mapserver-users] GPS data Projection
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] GPS data Projection
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] Has anyone used mapserver with mobiles to get a perspective on the amount of cell phone users at a given location?
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] Has anyone used mapserver with mobiles to get a perspective on the amount of cell phone users at a given location?
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Has anyone used mapserver with mobiles to get a perspective on the amount of cell phone users at a given location?
Vladimir Guzmán
- [Mapserver-users] help : unable to install mapscript
- [Mapserver-users] help for PyIMS configuration
Helton Uchôa
- [Mapserver-users] help for PyIMS configuration
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] help installing mapserver with ming
- [Mapserver-users] help with adding labels/annotation, please
Haiyan Liu
- [Mapserver-users] help with adding labels/annotation, please
Haiyan Liu
- [Mapserver-users] Help with Fatal Error received
P Wilkerson
- [Mapserver-users] Help with Fatal Error received
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users]How is ArcExplorer working?
- [Mapserver-users] How is ArcExplorer working?
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] How to add a title?
Paco Regodon
Dharani Babu
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] How to add logo on a layer ?
Choi,Stephanie [Ontario]
- [Mapserver-users] How to add logo on a layer ?
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] how to configure mapscript
Cordier Guillaume
- [Mapserver-users] how to configure mapscript
- [Mapserver-users] how to drawquery?
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] How to pass Proxy with WMS Client of Mapserver
- [Mapserver-users] How to pass Proxy with WMS Client of Mapserver
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] how to turn off central point for labels (or how not to draw them for attribute=0) ?
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] how to turn off central point for labels (or how not to draw them for attribute=0) ?
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] how to turn off central point for labels (or how not to draw them for attribute=0) ?
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] how to turn off central point for labels (or how not to draw them for attribute=0) ?
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] how to turn off central point for labels (or how not to draw them for attribute=0) ?
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] how to turn off central point for labels (or how not to draw them for attribute=0) ?
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] how to turn off central point for labels (or how not to draw them for attribute=0) ?
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] how to turn off central point for labels (or how not to draw them for attribute=0) ?
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] How to use itemquery in MapServer 4.0.1
Gambin Dejan
- [Mapserver-users] HTML Legends as lists
Liz Godwin
- [Mapserver-users] HTML Legends as lists
Liz Godwin
- [Mapserver-users] HTML Legends as lists
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] HTML Legends as lists
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] HTML Legends as lists
Liz Godwin
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Paul VanDyke
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Paul VanDyke
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Paul VanDyke
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Paul VanDyke
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated...
Paul VanDyke
- [Mapserver-users] I'm getting a little frustrated... {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- [Mapserver-users] IHO S-57
Jerl Simpson
- [Mapserver-users] Image handling error problem
Roongrasamee Boondao
- [Mapserver-users] Image handling error problem
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] Image not visible
Attri, Abhishek
- [Mapserver-users] Image not visible
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] Image not visible
Attri, Abhishek
- [Mapserver-users] Image not visible
Attri, Abhishek
- [Mapserver-users] Image not visible
Attri, Abhishek
- [Mapserver-users] imsemu-0.2
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] imsemu-0.2
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Info: compiling 4.2b on FreeBSD fails
Benjamin Thelen
- [Mapserver-users] Info: compiling 4.2b on FreeBSD fails
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Info: compiling 4.2b on FreeBSD fails
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Info: compiling 4.2b on FreeBSD fails
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] installation in a shared hosting environment
Hal Mueller
- [Mapserver-users] installation in a shared hosting environment
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] installation in a shared hosting environment
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Install help
burnsy at vividfish.co.uk
- [Mapserver-users] Install help
David Fawcett
- [Mapserver-users] Installing PHP/MapScript
- [Mapserver-users] Installing PHP/MapScript
Delfos, Jacob
- [Mapserver-users] Installing PHP MapScript
Gabriel Moricz
- [Mapserver-users] Installing PHP MapScript
- [Mapserver-users] interoperability/compatibility
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] Interoperability Day: Request for Live App URLs
Jeff McKenna
- [Mapserver-users] Interoperability Day: Request for Live App URLs
Charlton Purvis
- [Mapserver-users] Interoperability Day: Request for Live App URLs
Jeff McKenna
- [Mapserver-users] Interoperability Day: Request for Live App URLs
Arnulf Christl
- [Mapserver-users] Interoperability Day: Request for Live App URLs
Arnulf Christl
- [Mapserver-users] Interoperability Day: Request for Live App URLs
Arnulf Christl
- [Mapserver-users] Is it possible to display WMS layers as part of a GIF legend
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Is it possible to display WMS layers as part of a GIF legend
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Is it possible to display WMS layers as part of a GIF legend
Stephen Clark
- [Mapserver-users] Issues Installing Mapserver 4.0.1
sgay at earthsat.com
- [Mapserver-users] Issues Installing Mapserver 4.0.1
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] itemnquery returns no results
K Resellmo
- [Mapserver-users] Itemquery - getting started, having problems
Mike Reilly
- [Mapserver-users] Itemquery - getting started, having problems
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Itemquery - getting started, having problems
Mike Reilly
- [Mapserver-users] Itemquery - getting started, having problems
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] ItemQuery Problems
Lindsay C. Blanton
- [Mapserver-users] java mapscript
Tomas Brandalik
- [Mapserver-users] java mapscript
unicoletti at prometeo.it
- [Mapserver-users] jBox - Hangs - Solved
Steve McCrone
- [Mapserver-users] jBox - Hangs - Solved
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] jBox - page "hangs" when interacting with map
Steve McCrone
- [Mapserver-users] JBox Mouse over how to?
Palanisamy, Giri
- [Mapserver-users] join/thematic map with rdbms
Bertrand Pau
- [Mapserver-users] junk pointer revisited
Toomas Aas
- [Mapserver-users] junk pointer revisited
Robert A Carr
- [Mapserver-users] junk pointer revisited
Toomas Aas
- [Mapserver-users] Label codepage
Gambin Dejan
- [Mapserver-users] Label codepage
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] LABEL ITEM based on "NOT NULL"
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] Label TEXT Display Trouble PHP Mapscript
Mark Fennell
- [Mapserver-users] layer->open(shape) Problem
Sam Choudry
- [Mapserver-users] layer->open(shape) Problem
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] license ?
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] license ?
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Link
Litea Biukoto
- [Mapserver-users] Link
Pericles Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] LOCATION QUERY HELP
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Looking for PHP MapScript examples at GIShosting.net
P Wilkerson
- [Mapserver-users] looping through layer's objects
Denis Lalonde
- [Mapserver-users] Mail Delivery (failure mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu)
jnovak at novacell.com
- [Mapserver-users] Mail Delivery (failure mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu)
sgillies at frii.com
- [Mapserver-users] makefile error
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] manipulate vs analysis
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] MapFile Java parser
Jean-Henry Berevoescu
- [Mapserver-users] MapInfo text layer in Mapserver
Vitaly Voropinov
- [Mapserver-users] MapInfo text layer in Mapserver
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] mapObj clone() method problem
Alexandros Chimarios
- [Mapserver-users] mapObj clone() method problem
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] mapObj clone() method problem
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] mapObj clone() method problem
Alexandros Chimarios
- [Mapserver-users] mapObj clone() method problem
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] mapObj clone() method problem
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] mapObj clone() method problem
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users]Map Query in WMS?
- [Mapserver-users] Map Query in WMS?
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript: Perl v PHP
Dimeo, Christopher
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript: Perl v PHP
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript: Perl v PHP
Dimeo, Christopher
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and C#
Xavier Mauclaire
- [Mapserver-users] Mapscript and C#
sgillies at frii.com
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript dl() fails with missing gdImageSetClip symbol
Hal Mueller
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript dl() fails with missing gdImageSetClip symbol
Hal Mueller
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript legendObj size
forum master
- [Mapserver-users] mapscript querybyshape example
- [Mapserver-users] mapserv cgi and raster layers
- [Mapserver-users] mapserv cgi and raster layers
- [Mapserver-users] mapserv cgi andraster layers again
- [Mapserver-users] mapserv cgi andraster layers again
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] mapserv cgi andraster layers again
- [Mapserver-users] mapserv cgi andraster layers again....solved FINALLY
- [Mapserver-users] mapserv cgi andraster layers again....solved FINALLY
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver+postgis schema
Alessio Ferrario
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver+postgis schema
Alexandros Chimarios
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver+postgis schema
Alessio Ferrario
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver+postgis schema
Alessio Ferrario
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle (revisited)
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle (revisited)
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle (revisited)
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle (revisited)
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle (revisited)
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle (revisited)
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle (revisited)
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle (revisited)
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer 4.0.2 released
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver 4.1 compile using VC 6
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] MapServer apps in Windows CE
Manuel Marichal Pérez
- AW: [Mapserver-users] MapServer apps in Windows CE
Elstermann, Mike
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver demo cannot display png files
ESSC Admin
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver demo error
ESSC Admin
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver demo error
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver licence
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] mapserver licence
Thomas E Burk
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver permissions?
Mark Balman
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver permissions?
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver permissions? {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver vs. CubeServ
we wei
- [Mapserver-users] Mapserver vs. CubeServ
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Maybe queryByAttributes should be queryByAttribute
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] Microsoft and Sun Virtual Machines
Valerio Noti
- [Mapserver-users] MS wont generate maps!
Thomas Bartlett
- [Mapserver-users] MS wont generate maps!
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] MS wont generate maps!
Thomas Bartlett
- [Mapserver-users] MS wont generate maps!
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] MS wont generate maps!
Thomas Bartlett
- [Mapserver-users] MS wont generate maps!
Johan Duflost
- [Mapserver-users] MS wont generate maps! {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!
woodbri at swoodbridge.com
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] My first label configuration (with angles)
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] My first label configuration (with angles)
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] Nasty bug in labelcache?
Paco Regodon
- [Mapserver-users] Nasty bug in labelcache?
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Nasty bug in labelcache?
Paco Regodon
- [Mapserver-users] Need help with SDE connection
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] Need help with SDE connection
Oliver Wesp
- [Mapserver-users] Need help with SDE connection
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] New Entry in Proj4!!??
Winkler, Viola
- [Mapserver-users] new site: Historical Atlas of Amsterdam
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] new site: Historical Atlas of Amsterdam
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] new site: Historical Atlas of Amsterdam
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] new site: Historical Atlas of Amsterdam
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] new site: Historical Atlas of Amsterdam
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] new user- help with queries
Rachel Keats
- [Mapserver-users] OGC Interoperability Add-On for ArcGIS
Berend Veldkamp
- [Mapserver-users] OGC Interoperability Add-On for ArcGIS
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] OGC Interoperability Add-On for ArcGIS
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] OGC Interoperability Add-On for ArcGIS
Berend Veldkamp
- [Mapserver-users] OGC Interoperability Add-On for ArcGIS
Berend Veldkamp
- [Mapserver-users] OGR + DGN STYLEITEM "AUTO" config
Schepel, Menno
- [Mapserver-users] OGR + DGN STYLEITEM "AUTO" config
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] OGR + DGN STYLEITEM "AUTO" config
Schepel, Menno
- [Mapserver-users] OGR + DGN STYLEITEM "AUTO" config
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] OGR + DGN STYLEITEM "AUTO" config
Schepel, Menno
- [Mapserver-users] OGR - How to use STYLEITEM "AUTO" with DGN
Schepel, Menno
- [Mapserver-users] OGR2OGR spat clipping issue
Dave Malach
- [Mapserver-users] OGR2OGR spat clipping issue
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] OGR not found
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] One more question -
Anna Blanchard
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Partners
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Partners
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Partners
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Partners
- [Mapserver-users] Oracle Partners
Arnulf Christl
- [Mapserver-users] OT: interesting non-mapserver application
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] OT: interesting non-mapserver application
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] OT: interesting non-mapserver application
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] OT: interesting non-mapserver application
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] OT: interesting non-mapserver application
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] Paging Steve Lime or UMN
Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
- [Mapserver-users] pan/javascript
Kaps Stefan
- [Mapserver-users] pan/javascript
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
David Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
David Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
Eduardo Spremolla
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Perl $map->queryByRect() under 4.0.1 seems to ignores class expressions
- [Mapserver-users] Perl $map->queryByRect() under 4.0.1 seems to ignores classexpressions
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Perl $map->queryByRect() under 4.0.1 seems to ignores class expressions
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Perl Mapscript Question
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] Perl Mapscript Question
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Perl Mapscript Question
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] PHP/mapscript + PostGIS
Ruggero Valentinotti
- [Mapserver-users] PHP/mapscript + PostGIS
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [Mapserver-users] PHP/MapScript - gdaltindex
Ruggero Valentinotti
- [Mapserver-users] PHP4's bundled regex problem - PHP MapScript
James Case
- [Mapserver-users] php_MapScript_41.dll - problem
Mahalakshmi Narayanan
- [Mapserver-users] php_mapscript_41.dll problem
Mahalakshmi Narayanan
- [Mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript, Extent, and blank map -- I'm missing something
P Wilkerson
- [Mapserver-users] PhpMapscript, zoompoint method
Massimo Mazzanti
- [Mapserver-users] php mapscript as data extraction utility.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript preparequery()
forum master
- [Mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript setup on Fedora Core.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript setup on Fedora Core.
Lindsay C. Blanton
- [Mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript setup on Fedora Core.
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript setup on Fedora Core.
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] PHP Mapscript setup on Fedora Core.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] phpMapScript unable to query PostGIS layer that has a Bit() column?
Perry Casson
- [Mapserver-users] Pie charts
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] Pie charts
Flavio Hendry
- [Mapserver-users] Pie charts
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] Pie charts
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] placing text along an arbitrary path
Sean Gillies
- [Mapserver-users] placing text along an arbitrary path
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] point collisions
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] point collisions
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] point collisions
Paul Dymecki
- [Mapserver-users] point collisions
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] pointObj->draw() not working!
Ken-ichi Ueda
- [Mapserver-users] pointObj->draw() not working!
Ken-ichi Ueda
- [Mapserver-users] pointObj->draw() not working!
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] pointObj->draw() not working!
Ken-ichi Ueda
- [Mapserver-users] Point Query Problem
Sam Choudry
- [Mapserver-users] Point Query Problem
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] Point Query Problem
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] POSTGIS - subselect problem
Alexandros Chimarios
- [Mapserver-users] POSTGIS - subselect problem
Ethan Alpert
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS blank error - bit of a newbie question....!
Matt Hatcher
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS blank error - bit of a newbie question....!
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS blank error - bit of a newbie question....!
Matt Hatcher
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS blank error - bit of a newbie question....!
Paul Ramsey
- [Mapserver-users] PostGIS blank error - bit of a newbie question....!
Matt Hatcher
- [Mapserver-users] power outage tonight
vatsavai at cs.umn.edu
- [Mapserver-users] Precompiled binaries needed
Mark Balman
- [Mapserver-users] Precompiled binaries needed
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] Preperation for 4.2 release, update of [shpxy...] tag...
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Preperation for 4.2 release, update of [shpxy...] tag...
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] Preperation for 4.2 release, update of [shpxy...] tag...
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Preperation for 4.2 release, update of [shpxy...]tag...
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] Preperation for 4.2 release, update of [shpxy...]tag...
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] Problem Colouring Layers
Sam Choudry
- [Mapserver-users] Problem Colouring Layers
Mahalakshmi Narayanan
- [Mapserver-users] Problem in tutorial 1.6
Changqing Zhou
- [Mapserver-users] Problem in tutorial 1.6
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Gabriel Moricz
- [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Problems in viewing dgn files
Gambin Dejan
- [Mapserver-users] Problems in viewing dgn files
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Problems with queryMap and style = hilite
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Problem with drawing tif files
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] Problem with drawing tif files
- [Mapserver-users] Problem with drawing tif files
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] problem with labels in version 4.2b1?
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] problem with labels in version 4.2b1?
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] problem with labels in version 4.2b1?
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] problem with PostGIS layers with a bit() column
Perry Casson
- [Mapserver-users] problem with PostGIS layers with a bit() column
David Blasby
- [Mapserver-users] problème avec la commande EXPRESION
Emmanuel CAPELLI
- [Mapserver-users] problème avec la commande EXPRESION {Scanned} {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- [Mapserver-users] proj.4 stuff
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] proj.4 stuff
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] proj.4 stuff
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] proj.4 stuff
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] proj.4 stuff
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] proj.4 stuff
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] proj4-Problems
Winkler, Viola
- [Mapserver-users] proj4-Problems
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Error
Anna Blanchard
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Help
Paul VanDyke
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Help
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Help
Paul VanDyke
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Help
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Help
Delfos, Jacob
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Help
Paul VanDyke
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Help
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Help
Paul VanDyke
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Help
Delfos, Jacob
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Help
Paul VanDyke
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Questions
Anna Blanchard
- [Mapserver-users] Projection Questions
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] Projection string for (Degree, minute, second)
Choi,Stephanie [Ontario]
- [Mapserver-users] Projection string for (Degree, minute, second)
Choi,Stephanie [Ontario]
- [Mapserver-users] Projection string for (Degree, minute, second)
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] qlayer : transparent.
Sebastien Vincent
- [Mapserver-users] Query
Gheysen Thibaut
- [Mapserver-users] Query : No results
Sebastien Vincent
- [Mapserver-users] Query : No results
David Fawcett
- [Mapserver-users] Query : No results
Richard Greenwood
- [Mapserver-users] Query : No results
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] Query : No results
Emil Zegers
- [Mapserver-users] Query : No results
Emil Zegers
- [Mapserver-users] Query : No results
Sebastien Vincent
- [Mapserver-users] QueryByAttribute
- [Mapserver-users] QueryByAttribute
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] QueryByAttribute
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] QueryByAttribute
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] QueryByAttribute
Ganesh Pulicherla
- [Mapserver-users] querybyattributes for postgis
- [Mapserver-users] querybyshape failing
- [Mapserver-users] querybyshape failing
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] querybyshape failing
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Query documentation
Sebastien Vincent
- [Mapserver-users] Query Function
- [Mapserver-users] query on dynamic point data
Gijs Epping
- [Mapserver-users] query on dynamic point data
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] query on dynamic point data
Gijs Epping
- [Mapserver-users] query on dynamic point data
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] query on dynamic point data
Gijs Epping
- [Mapserver-users] query on dynamic point data (with php) still not working!!!!!
Gijs Epping
- [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Palle Due Larsen
- [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] Question about GetLegendGraphic
Choi,Stephanie [Ontario]
- [Mapserver-users] Question about GetLegendGraphic
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Question about MapServer ' buffering' with IMGSHAPE/MAPSHAPE
Emil Zegers
- [Mapserver-users] Questions about PHP/MapScript
gheysen.t at skynet.be
- [Mapserver-users] Questions about PHP/MapScript
- [Mapserver-users] Questions about PHP/MapScript
Gheysen Thibaut
- [Mapserver-users] raster howto
Antonio Cosenza
- [Mapserver-users] raster howto
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Raster Image Limitation
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Raster Image Limitation
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] Raster Image Limitation
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Raster Image Limitation
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Raster Image Limitation
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Raster Image Limitation
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Raster Image Limitation
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Raster Image Limitation
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Delivery Protection
steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
- [Mapserver-users] Re: hello
palle at mail-online.dk
- [Mapserver-users] Re: help installing mapserver with ming
Ian MacColl
- [Mapserver-users] re:install help
burnsy at vividfish.co.uk
- [Mapserver-users] re:install help
David Fawcett
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver-users digest, Vol 1 #486 - 14 msgs
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver-users digest, Vol 1 #486 - 14 msgs
Ken-ichi Ueda
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver help needed for SDE support.
Howard Butler
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver help needed for SDE support.
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Re: POSTGIS - subselect problem
Alexandros Chimarios
- [Mapserver-users] Re: POSTGIS - subselect problem
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] RE: strange behavior of reference map
- [Mapserver-users] Re: urgent source code needed
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Re: Your website
jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
- [Mapserver-users] Reading in Projections from layer data files
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Reading in Projections from layer data files
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Reading in Projections from layer data files
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] Reading in Projections from layer data files
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Really, Really Strange Behaviour - WFS & PostGIS
Keith Campbell
- [Mapserver-users] Really Strange Behaviour - WFS & PostGIS
Keith Campbell
- [Mapserver-users] Reference image and extent syntax for on-the-fly configuration
Marcelle Caturia
- [Mapserver-users] Reference image and extent syntax for on-the-fly configuration
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] Regarding GetLegendGraphic
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Regarding GetLegendGraphic
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Regarding GetLegendGraphic
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] Regarding GetLegendGraphic
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Regarding GetLegendGraphic
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] Regarding GetLegendGraphic
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] repost: addPoint problems
- [Mapserver-users] request=GetMap& error in MapServer v4.1
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] request=GetMap& error in MapServer v4.1
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] request=GetMap& error in MapServer v4.1
Kralidis,Tom [Burlington]
- [Mapserver-users] request=GetMap& error in MapServer v4.1
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] request=GetMap& error in MapServer v4.1
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] request=GetMap& error in MapServer v4.1
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] request=GetMap& error in MapServer v4.1
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] request=GetMap& error in MapServer v4.1
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] route trace and spot markers
Jerl Simpson
- AW: [Mapserver-users] route trace and spot markers
Jerl Simpson
- [Mapserver-users] scripting languages
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] scripting languages
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] scripting languages
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] set style on the fly with one class
Daniel Lagos
- [Mapserver-users] shape extent
leo.olivieri at tin.it
- [Mapserver-users] shape extent
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] Shapefile question
John Beisley - RSG
- [Mapserver-users] shapefile types
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- [Mapserver-users] shapefile types
Steve Lime
- [Mapserver-users] shapefile types
Eduardo Patto Kanegae
- [Mapserver-users] Shapelib, GPC, PHP, and polygon clipping
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] Shapelib, GPC, PHP, and polygon clipping
Carl Anderson
- [Mapserver-users] Sicad GBD-Oracle
José Antonio
- [Mapserver-users] single layer query
Armin Wäspy
- [Mapserver-users] single layer query
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] single layer query
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] SLD Problems for Win32
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] SLD Problems for Win32
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] SLD Problems for Win32
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] SLD working?
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] SLD working?
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] small demo online
Emil Zegers
- [Mapserver-users] softening raster layers through SLD
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] softening raster layers through SLD
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] softening raster layers through SLD
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] Solved--> --with-php, Mapserver 4.0.1, and Fedora
Lindsay C. Blanton
- [Mapserver-users] SOS - VC++ Workspace of map server
Dharani Babu S
- [Mapserver-users] SOS HELP ME - VC++ Workspace of Map server
Dharani Babu S
- [Mapserver-users] Spatial queries
Giuseppe Chielli
- [Mapserver-users] Spatial queries
Lowell Filak
- [Mapserver-users] Spatial queries
valruggero at libero.it
- [Mapserver-users] start up issues
Landmark Geographic Solutions
- [Mapserver-users] start up issues
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [Mapserver-users] start up issues
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Stile problem with SWF and fdb fonts
Ray Ward
- [Mapserver-users] Stile problem with SWF and fdb fonts
mapserver at no-log.org
- [Mapserver-users] Stile problem with SWF and fdb fonts
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] Stile problem with SWF and fdb fonts
mapserver at no-log.org
- [Mapserver-users] Stile problem with SWF and fdb fonts
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] strange behavior of reference map
- [Mapserver-users] strange behavior of reference map
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] streat search
flavio.dalpozzo at procempa.com.br
- [Mapserver-users] Summary of survey results
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Survey: documentation and tutorials
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Survey results available
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] SVG as input ?
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] swf movies not displaying
- [Mapserver-users] symbol without label
Bo Nintzel
- [Mapserver-users] symbol without label
David Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] testepsg program
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] testepsg program
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] thematic map
Albert Garcia
- [Mapserver-users] thematic map
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] thematic map
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] Theme legend visualization
- [Mapserver-users] Theme legend visualization
- [Mapserver-users] Theme legend visualization
- [Mapserver-users] This is strange, isn't it?!?
Antonio Cosenza
- [Mapserver-users] TIF displays in grayscale
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] TIF displays in grayscale
robert fritz
- [Mapserver-users] TIF displays in grayscale
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] TIFF file not rendering
Delfos, Jacob
- [Mapserver-users] TIFF file not rendering
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] tileindex issue.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] tileindex issue.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] tileindex issue.
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Tolerance Problem
Sam Choudry
- [Mapserver-users] Tolerance question ..
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- [Mapserver-users] Tolerance question ..
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] TR: GD compiling fails
Bertrand Pau
- [Mapserver-users] transactions
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] Transparent embedded scalebar in 4.2b1
mapserver at digger.net
- [Mapserver-users] trouble compiling mapserver with ogr
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] trouble compiling mapserver with ogr
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] trouble compiling mapserver with ogr
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] trouble compiling mapserver with ogr
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] trouble customizing
Jenu Abraham
- [Mapserver-users] trouble customizing
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] True Type Font - colour not showing
- [Mapserver-users] True Type Font - colour not showing
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] truetype symbol size in legend
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] truetype symbol size in legend
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] truetype symbol size in legend
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] truetype symbol size in legend
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] truetype symbol size in legend
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] UMN MapServer transactional or basic wfs ?
Sebastian Bölling
- [Mapserver-users] UMN MapServer transactional or basic wfs ?
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] uninformed question :c)
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] uninformed question :c)
Pedro A. Carrasco Ponce
- [Mapserver-users] uninformed question :c)
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Update2: Maybe queryByAttributes should be queryByAttribute
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] Update: Maybe queryByAttributes should be queryByAttribute
Ryan, Adam
- [Mapserver-users] Upgrade to 4.0.1 query problem
John Wiley
- [Mapserver-users] Upgrade to 4.0.1 query problem
Wim Blanken PI
- [Mapserver-users] Urgent -nmake error
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] urgent -source code needed
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] urgent -source code needed
Fortin,Nicolas [SteFoy]
- [Mapserver-users] urgent -source code needed
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] variable (proportionately) sized point data
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] variable (proportionately) sized point data
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] variable (proportionately) sized point data
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] variable (proportionately) sized point data
Jan Hartmann
- [Mapserver-users] variable (proportionately) sized point data
Moritz Lennert
- [Mapserver-users] variable (proportionately) sized point data
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] variable (proportionately) sized point data
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [Mapserver-users] variable substitution for color
John Hagstrand
- [Mapserver-users] variable substitution for color
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users]View problem with overlaying WMS layers
- [Mapserver-users] View problem with overlaying WMS layers
Lars Holm Loldrup
- [Mapserver-users] w2k shapefile index naming conventions
ujunge at pmcentral.com
- [Mapserver-users] W32.Elkern removal tools
- [Mapserver-users] Warning: [MapServer Error]: msEvalRegex():
Ing. Guillermo Bustamante
- [Mapserver-users] Warning: [MapServer Error]: msEvalRegex():
Eric Bridger
- [Mapserver-users] Warning: [MapServer Error]: msEvalRegex():
- [Mapserver-users] WFS-Client
Marc.Jungen at t-online.de
- [Mapserver-users] WFS-Client
Arnulf Christl
- [Mapserver-users] WFS-Client
Silke Reimer
- [Mapserver-users] WFS-Client
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WFS-Client
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] WFS / curl error code 7 (couldn't create socket)
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WFS / curl error code 7 (couldn't create socket)
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WFS / curl error code 7 (couldn't create socket)
fheland at netcourrier.com
- [Mapserver-users] WFS / curl error code 7 (couldn't create socket)
fheland at netcourrier.com
- [Mapserver-users] WFS / curl error code 7 (couldn't create socket)
fheland at netcourrier.com
- [Mapserver-users] WFS Questions
Choi,Stephanie [Ontario]
- [Mapserver-users] WFS Questions
Bart van den Eijnden
- [Mapserver-users] WFS Questions
Frank Warmerdam
- [Mapserver-users] WFS Questions
Brent Fraser
- [Mapserver-users] which OGC specs and versions compies the actual umn mapserver 4.0.1 (4.1)
Sebastian Bölling
- [Mapserver-users] which OGC specs and versions compies the actual umn mapserver 4.0.1 (4.1)
bartvde at xs4all.nl
- [Mapserver-users] which OGC specs and versions compies the actual umn mapserver 4.0.1 (4.1)
Arnulf Christl
- [Mapserver-users] Win2k Query problem
Sam Choudry
- [Mapserver-users] Win2K Server problem
Sam Choudry
- [Mapserver-users] Win2K Server problem
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Win32 mapparser.h and Compiling
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] Win32 mapparser.h and Compiling
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] Win32 Mapserver CGI Error
Klisch, Anja
- [Mapserver-users] Win CE/Pocket PC version again !!
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Win CE Version
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Win CE Version
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] Win CE Version
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Win CE Version
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Win CE Version
Stephen Woodbridge
- [Mapserver-users] Win CE Version
Dharani Babu
- [Mapserver-users] Windows 2000 Server problem
Sam Choudry
- [Mapserver-users] Windows 2000 Server problem
Sam Choudry
- [Mapserver-users] Windows 2000 Server problem
Mahalakshmi Narayanan
- [Mapserver-users] Windows 2000 Server problem {Scanned}
Siki Zoltan
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Label Strangenss
craig.gould at bt.com
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Label Strangenss
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Label Strangenss
craig.gould at bt.com
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Label Strangenss
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Label Strangenss
craig.gould at bt.com
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Label Strangenss
Stepan Kafka
- [Mapserver-users] WMS Label Strangenss
craig.gould at bt.com
- [Mapserver-users] WMS mapfile snippet/WMS test server
Nicolas Boretos
- [Mapserver-users] WMS mapfile snippet/WMS test server
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] WMS mapfile snippet/WMS test server
Nicolas Boretos
- [Mapserver-users] WMS mapfile snippet/WMS test server
Norbert Thieme
- [Mapserver-users] Wms or Wfs
publiek at home.nl
- [Mapserver-users] Wms or Wfs
Arnulf Christl
- [Mapserver-users] Wms or Wfs
Paul Spencer
- [Mapserver-users] WMS requests.
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] WMS requests.
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] WMS requests.
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] WMS requests.
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] WMS requests.
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] WMS requests.
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- [Mapserver-users] WMS requests.
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] WMS requests.
Bob Basques
- [Mapserver-users] WMS style elements and SLD
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] WMS style elements and SLD
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] WMS style elements and SLD
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] WMS style elements and SLD
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [Mapserver-users] WMS style elements and SLD
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] WMS style elements and SLD
- [Mapserver-users] WMS style elements and SLD
Rene Teniere
- [Mapserver-users] WMS style elements and SLD
Daniel Morissette
- [Mapserver-users] WMS test mapfile and Test server would be appreciated
Nicolas Boretos
- [Mapserver-users] WMS test mapfile and Test server would be appreciated
Arnulf Christl
- [Mapserver-users] WMS test mapfile and Test server would be appreciated
Nicolas Boretos
- [Mapserver-users] WMS test mapfile and Test server would be appreciated
Nicolas Boretos
- [Mapserver-users] WMS test mapfile and Test server would be appreciated
Jeff McKenna
- [Mapserver-users] Working of dEMO
Saurabh Data
- [Mapserver-users] Working of dEMO
Tyler Mitchell
- [Mapserver-users] Working with tile indexes (gdaltindex)
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] Working with tile indexes (gdaltindex)
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] Working with tile indexes (gdaltindex)
Michael Schulz
- [Mapserver-users] Working with tile indexes (gdaltindex)
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Working with tile indexes (gdaltindex) - SOLVED
Balkanu GIS
- [Mapserver-users] world files and tile indexing
Antonio Cosenza
- [Mapserver-users] world files and tile indexing
Antonio Cosenza
- [Mapserver-users] world files and tile indexing
Ed McNierney
- [Mapserver-users] Xbase join - one to many + UMN documentation suggestion
- [Mapserver-users] Zip code boundary shapefiles
Will Richardson
- [Mapserver-users] Zip code boundary shapefiles
Jason M. Nielsen
- [Mapserver-users] Zip code boundary shapefiles
Dean Gadoury
- [Mapserver-users] Zip code boundary shapefiles
- [Mapserver-users] Zip code boundary shapefiles
Dean Gadoury
- [Mapserver-users] zoom/pan icons
Elisabeth Nolz
- [SPAM] - Re: [Mapserver-users] truetype symbol size in legend - Found word(s) remove list in the Text body.
Stéphane RIFF
- [SPAM] - Re: [Mapserver-users] truetype symbol size in legend - Found word(s) remove list in the Text body.
Moritz Lennert
- ENC: RES: [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Gabriel Moricz
- ENC: RES: [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Daniel Morissette
- FW: [Mapserver-users] WMS requests.
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Installing PHP MapScript
Gabriel Moricz
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Installing PHP MapScript
- RES: [Mapserver-users] mapserver demo cannot display png files
Gabriel Moricz
- RES: [Mapserver-users] mapserver demo cannot display png files
Steve Lime
- RES: [Mapserver-users] mapserver demo cannot display png files -- RESOLVED
Pericles S. Nacionales
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Gabriel Moricz
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Daniel Morissette
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Gabriel Moricz
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Daniel Morissette
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Palle Due Larsen
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Eric Bridger
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Shapefile question
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- RES: [Mapserver-users] Tolerance question ..
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Gabriel Moricz
- RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Daniel Morissette
- RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Problems Compiling GDAL1.1.9 + MapServer
Daniel Morissette
- RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
David Fawcett
- RES: RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- RES: RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
- RES: RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Eric Bridger
- RES: RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
David Fawcett
- RES: RES: RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- RES: RES: RES: RES: [Mapserver-users] Query on symbols
Murilo Lacerda Yoshida
- Where to get RADAR data? was: Re: [Mapserver-users] variable (proportionately) sized point data
Daryl Herzmann
- Where to get RADAR data? was: Re: [Mapserver-users] variable (proportionately) sized point data
Swaminathan, Gayathri
- Where to get RADAR data? was: Re: [Mapserver-users] variable (proportionately) sized point data
Gerry Creager N5JXS
Last message date:
Fri Apr 30 18:40:41 PDT 2004
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:27 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).