[Mapserver-users] route trace and spot markers

Jerl Simpson jerl.simpson at rkiq.com
Thu Apr 29 12:24:01 PDT 2004


So far I am very impressed with Mapserver and the OGR Simple Features
library.  It all seems very powerful, so powerful in fact I'm a bit
overwhelmed at present.

I have 3 main questions.

1:  Is it possible to plot a route on the map?  Well, I'm sure it is, I
just don't know how to go about it.  I have a set of points, taken from
GPS, that I want to plot, and join with a line.

2:  This ties in with #1.  I want to be able to put a particular marker
(maybe a gif or png file) at a particular lat/lon location on the Map.
Maybe even more than one marker.

3:  I see there is support for IHO S-57 datasets.  I just found more
information on these, so I'll save my question until I have had a chance
to read more.



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