[Mapserver-users] mapserv cgi andraster layers again....solved FINALLY

Andrew selkiesdad at twcny.rr.com
Sat Apr 17 09:24:48 EDT 2004

The problem, in case anyone else is as thick as I am, was that I had 
tiff AND gdal enabled in the configure. This was the dependency conflict 
I guess. I suggest the documentation be amended to make it clear that 
the "RECOMENDED" libtiff and perhaps libgeotiff should NOT be included 
if gdal is being incorporated. The revised " mapserv -v" output will 
then no longer include the "INPUT=TIFF", and all will be well.

Andrew wrote:

> I have checked everything, verified all the gdal libraries and 
> operation of the binary utilities, and everything checks out. I see no 
> obvious library conflicts. I have "fixed" all of my original problems 
> except the display of tiff/geotiff layers.
> I have installed the geotiff libraries (libgeotiff 1.1.4 to match my 
> libtiff version) to be complete. I recompiled the mapserver 4.0.2 
> source with many variations on the makefile OGR/GDAL_INC and 
> OGR/GDAL_LIB paths, and I tried modifying the libtiff/libgeotiff 
> references in reasonable ways as well. I have observed that very 
> subtle changes to the gdal lib options (include or omit the -lgdal 
> switch) and/or the libtiff options  (-lgeotiff and related) can have 
> no impact on the success of the compilation, but may or may not 
> produce a mapserv cgi lacking wms capability, or png capability, etc. 
> The evidence suggests that on my system the configure process may not 
> be creating the appropriate Makefile for correctly linking gdal 
> support. The manual tweaks I had to make for the 4.0.0 source and the 
> influence of some of  the extra switches I added to the Makefile for 
> 4.0.2 implies that although the dependencies may seem satisfied, some 
> error in the file causes the actual invocation of the resulting 
> binaries to fail without warning. I can work around this by using png 
> and world files, but the extra work required to convert the available 
> tiff files I need for my project into correctly georeferenced png 
> files is discouraging. I hope someone can provide a clue as to what I 
> can try next. Below is my current mapserver 4.0.2 configure command 
> and   Makefile.
> $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mapserve 
> --with-freetype=/usr/local/mapserve --with-gd=/usr/local/mapserve 
> --with-proj=/usr/local/mapserve --with-threads 
> --with-gdal=/usr/local/mapserve/bin/gdal-config --with-ogr 
> --with-php=/usr/local/php/phpsrc -with-wmsclient --with-wfs
> # Run ./configure in the main MapServer directory to turn this 
> Makefile.in
> # into a proper Makefile
> LIB_INSTALL=/usr/local/lib/
> HEADER_INSTALL=/usr/local/include/mapserver-3.5/
> #
> # mpatrol runtime memory debugger
> #
> MPATROL=     
> #
> # If you want to ignore missing datafile errors uncomment the following
> # line. This is especially useful with large tiled datasets that may not
> # have complete data for each tile.
> #
> #
> # Apparently these aren't as commonplace as I'd hoped. Edit the
> # following line to reflect the missing functions on your platform.
> #
> # Proj.4 distribution (cartographic projection routines). Not required 
> for normal use. (EXPERIMENTAL)
> PROJ_INC= -I/usr/local/mapserve/include
> PROJ_LIB= -L/usr/local/mapserve/lib -lproj
> # GD distribution (graphics library GIF and/or PNG support). (REQUIRED)
> #
> #   - Versions 1.3 to 1.5 write non-LZW GIF (-DUSE_GD_1_3).
> #   - Versions 1.6 and greater write PNG (-DUSE_GD_1_6). Add -lpng -lz 
> to GD_LIB line.
> #
> #
> GDFONT_OBJ=gd-1.2/gdfontt.o gd-1.2/gdfonts.o gd-1.2/gdfontmb.o 
> gd-1.2/gdfontl.o gd-1.2/gdfontg.o
> GD_INC=  -I/usr/local/mapserve/include
> GD_LIB=  -L/usr/local/mapserve/lib -lgd -ljpeg 
> -L/usr/local/mapserve/lib -lfreetype -lz -lpng -lz  GD=       
> # PDFlib distribution (PDF library w/ PDF support). (EXPERIMENTAL)
> #
> #
> #
> PDF_INC=  PDF_LIB=  PDF=     
> # TIFF distribution (raster support for TIFF and GEOTIFF imagery). 
> TIFF_INC= TIFF_LIB= -ltiff  -ljpeg -L/usr/local/mapserve/lib 
> -lfreetype -lz -lpng -lz  TIFF=     -DUSE_TIFF
> # JPEG distribution (raster support for grayscale JPEG images, INPUT 
> ONLY).
> JPEG_INC= JPEG_LIB= -ljpeg
> # EPPL7 Support (this activates ERDAS as well) Included in the 
> distribution. Probably the best raster alternative if
> # you've got EPPL7 laying around. See http://www.lmic.state.mn.us/ for 
> more information. (RECOMMENDED)
> EPPL_OBJ= epplib.o
> # ESRI SDE Support. You MUST have the SDE Client libraries and include 
> files
> # on your system someplace. The actual SDE server you wish to connect 
> to can
> # be elsewhere.
> SDE=      SDE_LIB=  SDE_INC= 
> # Optional OGR Support.  OGC Simple Feature inspired interface for vector
> # formats.  See http://gdal.velocet.ca/projects/opengis/
> OGR=      -DUSE_OGR
> OGR_LIB=  -L/usr/local/mapserve/lib -lgdal
> OGR_INC=  -I/usr/local/mapserve/include
> # Optional GDAL Support (provides read access to a variety of raster 
> formats)
> # See http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal
> GDAL_LIB=  -L/usr/local/mapserve/lib -lgdal
> GDAL_INC=  -I/usr/local/mapserve/include
> # Optional PostGIS Support.  See http://postgis.refractions.net/
> # Optional MyGIS Support.  See http://postgis.refractions.net/
> # Optional ORACLESPATIAL Support. Contact: cabral at cttmar.univali.br
> # Optional MING/SWF/FLASH Support. Contact: assefa at dmsolutions.ca
> # libcurl ... required for WMS/WFS Client Connections
> CURL_LIB=-L/usr/lib -lcurl -lz -lssl -lcrypto -ldl -lz
> # OWS: OGC Web Services support
> # OGC WMS Server:  -DUSE_WMS_SVR (Requires PROJ4 support)
> # OGC WMS Client Connections:  -DUSE_WMS_LYR (Requires PROJ4 and libcurl)
> # OGC WFS Server: -DUSE_WFS_SVR (Requires OGR, PROJ4 recommended)
> # OGC WFS Client: -DUSE_WFS_LYR (Requires OGR, PROJ4 and libcurl)
> #
> #
> # In order to compile the PHP_MAPSCRIPT module, we have to make MapServer
> # uses the same version of the REGEX library that PHP was compiled with:
> #
> #
> # Multithreading support.
> #
> THREAD_LIB=-lpthread
> #
> # Pick a compiler, etc. Flex and bison are only required if you need 
> to modify the mapserver lexer (maplexer.l) or expression parser 
> (mapparser.y).
> #
> CXX=    g++
> CC=     gcc
> LD=     gcc
> AR= ar rc
> RANLIB= ranlib
> LEX=    flex
> YACC=   bison -y
> XTRALIBS=  -lm -lstdc++
> CFLAGS= -O2  -Wall  \
>     $(ORACLESPATIAL) $(TIFF) $(JPEG) $(GD) $(PDF) $(SDE) $(OGR) $(GDAL) \
> $(EGIS_INC) $(SDE_INC) \
> $(MYGIS_INC) \
> # Link flags and shared libs only
> $(PROJ_LIB) \
>          $(JPEG_LIB) $(SDE_LIB) $(OGR_LIB) $(GDAL_LIB) \
> # STATIC_LIBS is full filename with path of libs that will be 
> statically linked
> RM= /bin/rm -f
> OBJS= maptemplate.o mapbits.o maphash.o mapshape.o mapxbase.o 
> mapparser.o maplexer.o maptree.o mapsearch.o mapstring.o mapsymbol.o 
> mapfile.o maplegend.o maputil.o mapscale.o mapquery.o maplabel.o 
> maperror.o mapprimitive.o mapproject.o mapraster.o mapsde.o mapogr.o 
> mappostgis.o mapmygis.o maplayer.o mapresample.o mapwms.o 
> mapwmslayer.o maporaclespatial.o mapgml.o mapprojhack.o mapthread.o 
> mapdraw.o mapgd.o mapoutput.o mapgdal.o mapswf.o mapimagemap.o 
> mapows.o mapwfs.o mapwfslayer.o mapcontext.o maphttp.o mapdrawgdal.o 
> mappdf.o mapjoin.o mapgraticule.o mapcopy.o $(EPPL_OBJ) $(REGEX_OBJ)
> #
> # --- You shouldn't have to edit anything else. ---
> #
> .c.o:
>     $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
> all: $(MAKE_GD) libmap.a shp2img shp2pdf legend \
>     mapserv shptree shptreevis shptreetst scalebar sortshp 
> mapscriptvars \
>     tile4ms php3_mapscript
> php3_mapscript:: libmap.a
>     cd mapscript/php3; $(MAKE); cd ../..
> maplexer.o: maplexer.c map.h mapfile.h
> maplexer.c: maplexer.l
>     $(LEX) -Pmsyy -i -omaplexer.c maplexer.l
> mapparser.o: mapparser.c map.h
> mapparser.c: mapparser.y
>     $(YACC) -p msyy -d -omapparser.c mapparser.y
> mapogr.o: mapogr.cpp
>     $(CXX) -c $(CFLAGS) mapogr.cpp -o mapogr.o
> lib: libmap.a
> libmap: libmap.a
> libmap.a: map.h $(OBJS) map.h
>     $(AR) libmap.a $(OBJS)
>     $(RANLIB) libmap.a
> shp2pdf: libmap.a shp2pdf.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) shp2pdf.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o shp2pdf
> shp2img: libmap.a  shp2img.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) shp2img.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o shp2img
> sym2img: libmap.a   sym2img.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) sym2img.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o sym2img
> legend: libmap.a  legend.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) legend.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o legend
> scalebar: libmap.a  scalebar.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) scalebar.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o scalebar
> mapserv: mapserv.h libmap.a  mapserv.o cgiutil.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) mapserv.o cgiutil.o  $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o 
> mapserv
> mapserv.fcgi: mapserv.h libmap.a  mapserv_fcgi.o cgiutil.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) mapserv_fcgi.o cgiutil.o  \
>     $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -lfcgi \
>      -o mapserv.fcgi
> shpindex: libmap.a shpindex.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) shpindex.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o shpindex
> shptree: libmap.a shptree.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) shptree.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o shptree
> shptreevis: libmap.a shptreevis.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) shptreevis.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o shptreevis
> shptreetst: libmap.a shptreetst.o map.h
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) shptreetst.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o shptreetst
> sortshp: sortshp.o
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) sortshp.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o sortshp
> tile4ms: tile4ms.o
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) tile4ms.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o tile4ms
> testexpr: testexpr.o mapparser.o maplexer.o
>     $(LD) $(CFLAGS) testexpr.o $(LDFLAGS) $(STATIC_LIBS) -o testexpr
> mapscriptvars:
>     touch mapscriptvars
>     pwd > mapscriptvars
> $(TIFF) $(JPEG) $(GD) $(SDE) $(OGR) $(GDAL) >> mapscriptvars
>     echo -I. $(PROJ_INC) $(GD_INC) $(TTF_INC) $(TIFF_INC) $(JPEG_INC) 
> $(SDE_INC) $(OGR_INC) $(GDAL_INC) >> mapscriptvars
>     echo $(LDFLAGS) >> mapscriptvars
>     echo $(STATIC_LIBS) >> mapscriptvars
> php3_mapscript_clean::
>     cd mapscript/php3; $(MAKE) clean; cd ../..
> install:
>     @echo ""
>     @echo "***** MapServer Installation *****"
>     @echo "To install MapServer, copy the 'mapserv' file to your web 
> server's cgi-bin "
>     @echo "directory."
>     @echo "If you use MapScript then see the documentation for your 
> specific MapScript"
>     @echo "version for installation instructions."
>     @echo ""
> clean: php3_mapscript_clean
>     rm -f libmap.a *.o shp2img shp2pdf mapserv legend shptree 
> shptreevis shptreetst scalebar sortshp mapscriptvars tile4ms testexpr
> distclean:
>     $(MAKE) clean
>     rm config.*
> sorta-clean:
>     rm -f *.o
> Pericles S. Nacionales wrote:
>> Andrew,
>> Have a look at your Apache error_log.  Chances are some of your
>> libraries are not being seen by MapServer.  If this is the case and
>> assuming you have installed the libraries you compiled in "/usr/local/",
>> run the command "/sbin/ldconfig" as root to create/refresh the links to
>> your libraries.  You can then run "/sbin/ldconfig -p | more" to check
>> that the libraries needed by MapServer are "registered".  If they're
>> not, edit /etc/ld.so.conf as root and add "/usr/local/lib" (or wherever
>> you installed your libraries).  You can then rerun "/sbin/ldconfig" and
>> your problems should go away.
>> One caveat:  There may be reasons not to add "/usr/local/lib" to your
>> ld.so.conf file.  You might have duplicate libraries that could screw
>> other things.
>> Good luck!
>> -Perry N.
>> On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 13:32, Andrew wrote:
>>> I have converted all my tiff files to png, renamed all the .tfw 
>>> world files with a .wld extension, and I can get png files to 
>>> display (albeit not to the necessary scale or projection 
>>> necessarily). My mapserv "says" it supports tiff input, and the gdal 
>>> conversions from tiff to png and back work fine. I still get the 
>>> "premature end of script headers" when I use tiffs. The wms 
>>> connection still fails, but the same tiff file saved locally and 
>>> used in place still causes the cgi to abort.
>>> Is there a simple algorithm or technique to use to georeference the 
>>> png files made from the tiff files so I can use the world files 
>>> directly? What is the best workaround, if the tiff support remains 
>>> broken? Is there a known "fix"?
>>> Thanks
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