[Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!

Dharani Babu dharanibabus at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 2 22:14:43 PST 2004

Steve & Tyler
Thanks for your reply . good help for me . I have also posted another 
message on Win CE version comonent developement of map server( titled "Win 
CE version ") . Please add your points also .
with regards and thanks in advance

>From: Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com>
>To: Dharani Babu <dharanibabus at hotmail.com>
>CC: TMitchell at lignum.com,  mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!
>Date: Fri, 02 Apr 2004 00:37:44 -0500
>A tileindex is a collection of files that all have the same structure and 
>could all be concatenated together but aren't because it is easier to work 
>with and manage a bunch of smaller files. The other advantage is that there 
>are some significant performance improvements that can be had by working 
>with data organized using tileindexes.
>Here is what I do for shapefiles. Say you have a layer called streets.shp 
>and you have 10 counties each with its streets.shp file in a separate 
>directory like:
>find ./data/ -name streets.shp -print > streets.in
>tile4ms streets.in streets-tile
>find . -name "*.shp" -exec shptree {} \;
>This will find all your streets.shp files and create a tileindex called 
>streets-tile.shp and also find all shapefiles and create a spatial index 
>for them.
>Now in your mapfile
>NAME "streets"
>TILEINDEX "streets-tile.shp"
>You need to read up on this in the mapfile reference and the utilities doc 
>pages on the mapserver website.
>You can see all of the US Tiger data at http://imaptools.com/tiger/
>Dharani Babu wrote:
>>hi Steve
>>Thanks . That has set me on . though yet to know what tileindex is . I 
>>appreciate the way the map server members helping each other out- have 
>>seen forums which hardly reply to queries . i will update u of my progress 
>>with regards and thanks
>>dharani babu s
>>>From: woodbri at swoodbridge.com
>>>Reply-To: woodbri at swoodbridge.com
>>>To: "Dharani Babu" <dharanibabus at hotmail.com>,              Tyler 
>>>Mitchell <TMitchell at lignum.com>
>>>CC: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>>>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Multiple counties in a template file !!!
>>>Date: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 14:51:59 -0500
>>>But if you have all the data in the US it is 3300 counties plus or
>>>minus and you probably don't want 3300 layers for each attribute.
>>>What you want to do is use a tileindex. This will allow you to treat
>>>all roads files in all 3300 counties as a single layer.
>>>-Steve W.
>>>On 1 Apr 2004 at 8:53, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
>>> > I assume you mean you have multiple TIGER files and want to have them
>>> > appended into one map, right?
>>> > If you have all the data for multiple counties, then you just add each 
>>> > as a layer and it will make them work seamlessly together.
>>> >
>>> > mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu wrote on 04/01/2004 06:16:02 
>>> >
>>> > > Hi all
>>> > >    Could any of you advise me how I could display multiple counties( 
>>> > a
>>> > > full state)  in the same map ?. After displaying them I want to have 
>>> >
>>> > > same set of operations like zooming in /out/pan as we have with 
>>> > > county maps .
>>> > > With regards and thanks in advance
>>> > > dharani babu s
>>> > >
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