[Mapserver-users] Itemquery - getting started, having problems

Mike Reilly mikereilly_7 at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 18 17:55:18 PDT 2004

Bottom posting - see response at bottom.

>From: Richard Greenwood <rich at greenwoodmap.com>
>To: Mike Reilly <mikereilly_7 at hotmail.com>
>CC: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Itemquery - getting started, having problems
>Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 16:53:43 -0600
>Mike Reilly wrote:
>>I'm just starting to try to work with itemquery and itemnquery.  I've read 
>>the cgi reference, the mapfile reference, trolled through the archives and 
>>spent a number of hours trying to get this started.  I'm obvoiusly missing 
>>something significant, however.  Here's what I'm working with:
>>A number of shapefiles to create maps from - I have all other functions 
>>working on my application - can zoom, pan, query the map, etc.  What I 
>>want to do now is be able to link to the map from other pages in order to 
>>display a single site - either point or polygon from one of two shapfiles 
>>- tuspoints and mergeplys.  Both of these shapefiles have a field 
>>(attribute?) named SITEID.  I want to be able to display these point or 
>>poly sites on my map based on whether they match a specific SITEID value.  
>>After looking through the docs and archives, I figured that forming a URL 
>>with mode=itemquery was what I wanted (am I going in the right direction 
>>here?).  After looking at one of Richard Greenwood's sites, I figured this 
>>was probably teh correct way to go.
>>I have not made any modifications to the shapefile I'm using in order to 
>>use mode=itemnquery (am I missing something here?).  Here's an example of 
>>a URL I tried to create in order to get my map displayed correctly:
>>This gives me the following output:
>>msQueryByAttributes(): Search returned no results. No matching record(s) 
>>In the tuspoints layer, there is a site with a SITEID that has the value 
>>1010.  Not sure why I'm getting no matching records found.  Can anyone 
>>point me in the right direction here?
>Two things to try:
>1. Be sure that the object having SITEID = 1010 is within the extents that 
>you have defined in your map file.
>2. Add 'mapext=shapes' to your query string.
>Richard Greenwood
>Mapserver-users mailing list
>Mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu

I have added mapext=shapes to the URL, and the extents as defined in my 
mapfile include the entire data set in all shape files.  I've also tried 
using other SITEID numbers.  Here is a snippet from my map file defining 
some of the basics as well as including two shapefiles in the layer 
(skipping inclusion of the other 20+ layers):

  NAME           EX2.1_
  IMAGETYPE      png
  EXTENT         768897.25886 810841.50306 876598.91242 913853.62854  # LAEA
  #EXTENT         -97.5 41.619778 -82.122902 49.38562 # Geographic
  SIZE          792 592
  SHAPEPATH      "f:/program files/apache group/apache2/htdocs/Kitasoo/tus"
  SYMBOLSET      "f:/program files/apache 
  FONTSET        "f:/fonts/fonts.list"
  IMAGECOLOR	207 245 255
    TEMPLATE  'f:/program files/apache 
    IMAGEPATH 'f:/program files/apache group/apache2/htdocs/tmp/'
    IMAGEURL  ''

LAYER # TUS polygon layer begins here
    NAME         tuspoints
    DATA         "mergeplys"
    STATUS       ON
    TYPE         POLYGON
#      "init=epsg:4326"
      EXPRESSION   "land"
      COLOR        160 160 255
      TEMPLATE     "templates/land_query.html"
      OUTLINECOLOR 0 200 0
      EXPRESSION   "Ocean"
      TEMPLATE	   "templates/land_query.html"
      COLOR        100 255 100
      OUTLINECOLOR 0 255 0
# ***** display all point layers begin here.
    NAME	"tuspoints"
    DATA        "tus points"
    STATUS      ON
    MAXSCALE	5000000000
      SYMBOL	7
      SIZE	6
      TEMPLATE  "templates/pointdata_query.html"
      COLOR	255 0 0

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