[Mapserver-users] dynamic tileindex
ujunge at pmcentral.com
ujunge at pmcentral.com
Sun Apr 25 16:55:35 PDT 2004
hello everybody,
i have an application where a shapefile displays the content
of about 60 tileindexes. the 60 tileindexes point to aereal ortho-photo
a background-process appends more and more entries to the tileindex-files,
together with the ortho-imaginary, one entry about every 10 seconds.
additionally, the user may request
another process to add specific entries to a tileindex.
and here it gets tricky:
the process needs to write to the shape- and dbase-files making up the
while other users do request data described by those tile-indexes.
then crashes while either trying to write or to read from those files.
Is there a way to build those tileindexes on mygis or postgis and letting
the location-column pointing to a locally stored image-file ?
thank you for advises.
Uwe Junge, President & CTO
PMCentral Systems, Inc.
4201 Pinefield Court
Fairfax, Virginia 22033
Tel: +1 (703) 378-0952
Uwe Junge
Op'n Kamp 13
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