[Mapserver-users] Need help with SDE connection

Norbert Thieme norbert.thieme at ilmenau.baw.de
Mon Apr 5 01:18:30 PDT 2004

Hi all,

I already wrote last week because I have a problem with the connection 
to ArcSDE. (Please see: 

Sorry for my impatience but I don't get any further at this point and I 
really need this problem to be solved. If someone has an idea please 
tell me. I would be very glad.

If there is no way to get the problem solved directly with SDE I need to 
access Informix with OGR - SQL. Although this wouldn't be the preferred 
way: If someone can give me an advise on this it would be very nice as well.

Thanks for your help,

Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau  *  FIT Ilmenau  *  Referat IT2
Am Ehrenberg 8  *  98693 Ilmenau  *  Germany

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