[Mapserver-users] Need help with SDE connection

Oliver Wesp wesp at gdv.com
Mon Apr 5 02:38:10 PDT 2004

If msSDELayerOpen() fails the problem is most likely the 
Client-Connection. This could be due to an incorrect Connection-String 
or to a failure of the client. Can you post the complete Error-Message.


Norbert Thieme wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for that. Now I got the error message I need. The connection seem 
> to work but the msSDELayerOpen() got a problem. So I can go on testing 
> if there is still something wrong in my mapfile or if there is a problem 
> with the SDE client.
> Once more thanks,
> Norbert
> Oliver Wesp schrieb:
>> Hi,
>> we're using SDE-Connections with some success, so it's not impossible. 
>> Although we're using SDE with Oracle8i and 9i.
>> The first thing that comes to my mind is that your SDE-Layer has 
>> STATUS=ON in your mapfile. So are you sure the layer is requested? Try 
>> STATUS=DEFAULT to make sure it is.
>> best regards
>> Oliver Wesp
>> Norbert Thieme wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I already wrote last week because I have a problem with the 
>>> connection to ArcSDE. (Please see: 
>>> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/data2/wilma/mapserver-users/0403/msg00748.html) 
>>> Sorry for my impatience but I don't get any further at this point and 
>>> I really need this problem to be solved. If someone has an idea 
>>> please tell me. I would be very glad.
>>> If there is no way to get the problem solved directly with SDE I need 
>>> to access Informix with OGR - SQL. Although this wouldn't be the 
>>> preferred way: If someone can give me an advise on this it would be 
>>> very nice as well.
>>> Thanks for your help,
>>> Norbert
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Dipl.-Geogr. Oliver Wesp
Gesellschaft fuer geografische Datenverarbeitung
Binger Strasse 49-51
D-55218 Ingelheim
fon: +49 6132 714818
fax: +49 6132 714828
http: www.gdv.com

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