[Mapserver-users] proj.4 stuff

Bob Basques bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Fri Apr 23 10:40:09 PDT 2004

Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Bob Basques wrote:
>> Ok, that's cool, so that's in the GDAL stuff, interesting.  Learn 
>> something everyday.  Although I didn't see any reference to it 
>> anywhere in my searching.
>> So I took the above and made this Map File, is the correct way to 
>> implement (it didn't work, I get a blank page still):
> Bob,
> I don't see much obvious in the way of problems here, but I would
> mention that EPSG:26915 is in meters, not feet.  The definition looks
> like:
>   +proj=utm +zone=15 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs
> You really need to verify that converting the bounds of your tlg_roads_l
> file into from the declared source projection into the declared output
> projection actually gives bounds that intersect your map EXTENT 
> declaration.

I was leaning in this direction as well, although I didn't think about 
the METERS thing.

BTW, I did try the above yesterday as well as the MAP projection, and it 
still gives up with a blank page.

How/what is the best way to verify?  If I could get the WMS stuff 
figured out a Capabilties request would be a nice way I think.  Is there 
a way of not sending a mapextent and just getting the whole of the 
dataset from MapServer?

Now remember, I'm still a newbie at this stuff, so don't think too 
poorly of me for not knowing this all off the start line.  :c)

I'm not understanding this Meters to Feet conversion aspect clearly, 
shouldn't that all be compensated for in the reprojection, if not, then 
what DOES the reprojection do?

doesn't the" to_meter" value in the LAYER below indicate to me that the 
meter is bing converted to feet?  It seems like there is probaly some 
shift that is occuring where the input and output are out of alignment 
for some reason.

BTW, if I do figure this out, I may do all the counties in the list from 
the MN/DOT site, just because I have a leg up on it,  I'll need to do 
nieghboring counties anyway.

Thanks again for the help here, I see your name all over the place 
related to PROJ.4 queries by other folks, I guess that makes you the 
defacto expert (yes I'm buttering you up)

For the MAP file below, this is the Request I'm trying to send:


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