[Mapserver-users] strange behavior of reference map

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Apr 14 05:38:20 PDT 2004

I am just guessing but I think it need to be the same aspect ratio as 
you map image so map_h/map_w = ref_h/ref_w.


Tomko wrote:

> HI list,
> I am trying to fix a problem that I am encountering from the very
> beginning, but it was never on the top of the list...
> When I display my reference map, the rectangle that should show the
> position on the map doesn§t fit  - this means, when I initialize at the
> full extent, The rectangle is smaller. It should be 230*110 pixels (the
> size of the reference.png). But the rectangle displaying the position
> covers only about 2/3 of the area in the y direction, the size in the X
> direction is fine. I have checked the resolution of the reference image,
> its size, and extent (i fit fits to the geografical extent of the
> country.) Everything's ok. Is there a size limit for refrence images? Or
> it must be a square?
> PLease, help!
> Martin
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