[Mapserver-users] mapserv cgi andraster layers again

Pericles S. Nacionales nacional at cbs.umn.edu
Fri Apr 16 12:29:27 PDT 2004


Have a look at your Apache error_log.  Chances are some of your
libraries are not being seen by MapServer.  If this is the case and
assuming you have installed the libraries you compiled in "/usr/local/",
run the command "/sbin/ldconfig" as root to create/refresh the links to
your libraries.  You can then run "/sbin/ldconfig -p | more" to check
that the libraries needed by MapServer are "registered".  If they're
not, edit /etc/ld.so.conf as root and add "/usr/local/lib" (or wherever
you installed your libraries).  You can then rerun "/sbin/ldconfig" and
your problems should go away.

One caveat:  There may be reasons not to add "/usr/local/lib" to your
ld.so.conf file.  You might have duplicate libraries that could screw
other things.

Good luck!
-Perry N.

On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 13:32, Andrew wrote:
> I have converted all my tiff files to png, renamed all the .tfw world 
> files with a .wld extension, and I can get png files to display (albeit 
> not to the necessary scale or projection necessarily). My mapserv "says" 
> it supports tiff input, and the gdal conversions from tiff to png and 
> back work fine. I still get the "premature end of script headers" when I 
> use tiffs. The wms connection still fails, but the same tiff file saved 
> locally and used in place still causes the cgi to abort.
> Is there a simple algorithm or technique to use to georeference the png 
> files made from the tiff files so I can use the world files directly? 
> What is the best workaround, if the tiff support remains broken? Is 
> there a known "fix"?
> Thanks
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