[Mapserver-users] mapserv cgi andraster layers again

Andrew selkiesdad at twcny.rr.com
Fri Apr 16 11:32:03 PDT 2004

I have converted all my tiff files to png, renamed all the .tfw world 
files with a .wld extension, and I can get png files to display (albeit 
not to the necessary scale or projection necessarily). My mapserv "says" 
it supports tiff input, and the gdal conversions from tiff to png and 
back work fine. I still get the "premature end of script headers" when I 
use tiffs. The wms connection still fails, but the same tiff file saved 
locally and used in place still causes the cgi to abort.

Is there a simple algorithm or technique to use to georeference the png 
files made from the tiff files so I can use the world files directly? 
What is the best workaround, if the tiff support remains broken? Is 
there a known "fix"?


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