[Mapserver-users] jBox - Hangs - Solved

Richard Greenwood rich at greenwoodmap.com
Fri Apr 9 04:04:34 EDT 2004

Steve McCrone wrote:
> Just to follow up on this problem.
> I solved the problem by downloading Microsoft Java Virtual Machine, and
> installing it. Now, the jBox does not hang - great. I downloaded it from
> http://www.saigoninfo.com/mjv_help.htm

It is probably best to get away from the Microsoft VM because all 
support and distribution of it was to cease September 2004. That might 
change by virtue of this week's settlement between Sun and Microsoft, 
but I am only speculating, I have not heard anything to that effect. I 
mean, what does $2 billion buy these days anyway?

The only "hang" I have ever run into with jBox is when a request is 
being processed before jBox has fully initialized. This could happen in 
coordinate display code if the user moves the mouse into the applet area 
before jBox has finished initializing. It could also happen if you have 
additional Javascript calls to jBox in a page's onLoad function, or similar.

If you continue to have problems please let me know. I have a couple 
ideas for work arounds, but the problem has not been reported enough to 
warrant implementing them just yet.

Richard Greenwood

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