[Mapserver-users] OGR + DGN STYLEITEM "AUTO" config

Schepel, Menno menno.schepel at tao.es
Tue Apr 27 00:55:53 PDT 2004


You're absolutely right, it all depends on the default background color of
the last user of the DGN file in a CAD environment. If this user has the
default background color put to black, the features within (CAD) layer 0
turn up white and vice versa. In this case it did not bother me because the
background of the map that I am using is set to gray so the features show up
regardless of their default color.


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:TMitchell at lignum.com]
Enviado el: lunes, 26 de abril de 2004 20:41
Para: Schepel, Menno
CC: UMN MapServer; Frank Warmerdam
Asunto: RE: [Mapserver-users] OGR + DGN STYLEITEM "AUTO" config

FYI - also note that when using AUTO, some elements may not be visible 
depending on the background colour of your map.  That's not your problem 
here, but it stumped me for a while since text in Microstation that was 
black (in the Microstation program) came out as white in MapServer.  We 
almost need a parameter to move black<->white as desired.


mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu wrote on 04/26/2004 10:54:43 AM:

> Frank,
> Following your suggestion I left out the CLASS info and added the 
> "AUTO". This only results in a blank map! 
> However, adding a CLASS definition using a 'dummy' color (255 255 255 or
> whatever color you like) gives a good result. Using an empty class 
> immediately followed by END) does not do the trick. So here is an 
> of the mapfile used:
>     CONNECTION "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\vinya\data\xarxa_i07.dgn"
>     NAME "Sorea"
>     TYPE line
>     TOLERANCE 10
>       WMS_TITLE "Sorea DGN"
>       WMS_SRS "EPSG:23031"
>       WMS_EXTENT "420426,55 4591480,93 421308,65 4591676,52"
>     END
>       "init=epsg:23031"
>     END
>     CLASS
>       color 255 255 255
>     END
>   END
> Best regards,
> Menno
> -----Mensaje original-----
> De: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:warmerdam at pobox.com]
> Enviado el: lunes, 26 de abril de 2004 18:27
> Para: Schepel, Menno
> CC: UMN MapServer
> Asunto: Re: [Mapserver-users] OGR + DGN STYLEITEM "AUTO" config
> Schepel, Menno wrote:
> >   LAYER
> >     STATUS OFF
> >     GROUP DGN
> >     CONNECTION "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\vinya\data\granollersv7.dgn"
> >     NAME "Granollers"
> >     TYPE Line
> >     TOLERANCE 10
> >     METADATA
> >       WMS_TITLE "Granollers DGN"
> >       WMS_SRS "EPSG:23031"
> >       WMS_GROUP_TITLE "OGR-DGN Test Files"
> >     END
> >       "init=epsg:23031"
> >     END
> >     CLASS
> >    COLOR 255 0 0
> >     END
> >     DUMP TRUE
> >     TEMPLATE "templates/Granollers.html"
> >     HEADER "templates/Granollers_header.html"
> >     FOOTER "templates/Granollers_footer.html"
> >   END
> ...
> > I have found some examples of using MapInfo files in the forum and on 
> > sites of MapServer and DM solutions, but until now I did not see an
> example
> > using DGN. The manual is mentioning that it should be possible, 
> > What do I have to put in the symbol file in order that it will 
> the
> > different styles used within the DGN? 
> > Is there someone who has some experience with this that they could 
> > Thanks,
> Menno,
> In general you should just be able to add STYLEITEM "AUTO" to your layer
> definition, and perhaps remove your CLASS definition.  This should cause
> MapServer to use the OGR style information.   There should not be any
> changes to symbol files required.  I don't think any of the DGN 
> stuff uses symbols.
> Best regards,
> -- 
> --
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
> warmerdam at pobox.com
> light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent
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