[Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver-users digest, Vol 1 #486 - 14 msgs

blaise bpicinbono at worldonline.fr
Sat Apr 10 13:56:54 EDT 2004

Hi Ken-ichi,

I use the following code to add points to layers (parts coming from the 
gmap demo).
(with MapServer 3.6.2, it may be a little different with 4.0 ? )
The strange thing is that you have to go by :
$aLine = ms_newLineObj();
to add a point..., but it works.
You should find some help in it.
ps : by the way, are you using MacOs X ? Do you have the Safari web 
browser ?
I am looking for somebody with Safari on MacOs X that could check if the 
Rosa applet
can work (see any MapServer demo with the Rosa Applet), thanks.

code :...

//------ main --------
// $udl = name-of-layer (without 'shp' or 'dbf')
$dfMaxX,$nClickPixY,$dfHeightPix,$dfMinY, $dfMaxY);

/*           function ClickGeo                          */
GLOBAL $gpoMap;
$snClickGeoX = GMapPix2Geo($snClickPixX,0,$sdfWidthPix,$sdfMinX,$sdfMaxX,0);
$snClickGeoY = 
$soClickGeo = ms_newPointObj();

/*     function point_add(point,layername,id)           */
/* add the point to the layer(*.shp) with the id(*.dbf) */
function point_add($sp,$sln,$sid)
GLOBAL $gpoMap;
GLOBAL $debugmsg;

$aLine = ms_newLineObj();
$shpFile = ms_newShapefileObj($shpFileName,-2);
$dbFile = dbase_open($shpFileName,2);
$c[0]=$sid;  // add all your database datas..
$aShp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHP_POINT);

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