[Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables

Dharani Babu dharanibabus at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 14 21:13:29 PDT 2004

Thanks Daniel - all
   This helped me get a vb.net picture box based wrapper for the MS . I have 
a question though .
As you when we post the CGI variables we are in need of posting it in the 
form of a html stream only--like
"" etc . 
But is there any alternative so that I can pass it with
"C:/ms4w/apache/cgi-bin/mapserv_40.exe?zoomdir=1&zoomsize=2&" ?
But I know very well the map server exe works with Apache or IIS . But I 
want to copy the map server exe and its associated dlls to a location other 
then the cgi-bin or scripts . Is it possible ?
Is there any way we can make MS exe to get the html stream and give us the 
image in tmp folder WITHOUT  Apache or IIS ? I am trying to get a soln by 
running dependency walker on ms exe and other trails with spy tools . Still 
not yet solved .
with regards and thanks in advance

>From: Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca>
>To: Dharani Babu <dharanibabus at hotmail.com>
>CC: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
>Date: Sat, 10 Apr 2004 11:54:24 -0400
>Dharani Babu wrote:
>>1)   I am trying to pass the CGI variables to the map server exe without 
>>HTML submission .Thats I am trying to disassociate the browser based 
>>rendering .Could any of you point to the direction ?I have been able to 
>>pass the url thro a C# /VB.net web browser control . But searching for an 
>>alternative .   I tried passing CGI variables thro command prompt but got 
>>a message that " cgi variables can be passed only via httpd " .
>You can call the mapserv.exe at the command prompt using
>   mapserv.exe "QUERY_STRING=map=/path/to/yourmap.map&mode=...&..."
>  Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
>  DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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