[Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables

Dharani Babu dharanibabus at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 14 21:05:27 PDT 2004

jan ,tyler and daniel. Here is my solutions to remove the browser dependency 
of Map Server . I hope this would be useful for others also . The code is 
vb.net .
Had a button and the its event is ....

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As 
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim url
        Dim msxml As New MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest
        url = msxml.responseText

        Dim objdocument
        objdocument = CreateObject("HTMLFILE")

        Dim objforms
        Dim ctrl
        Dim strpath
        Dim arr() As String
        Dim imgxy() As String
        Dim imgext() As String

        For Each objforms In objdocument.documentElement.document.Forms
            For Each ctrl In objforms.getElementsByTagName("*")
                If ctrl.tagName = "INPUT" Then
                    If ctrl.Name = "img" Then
                        arr = Split(ctrl.src, "/")
                    End If
                    If ctrl.Name = "imgxy" Then
                        strXY = ctrl.Value
                    End If
                    If ctrl.Name = "imgext" Then
                        strEXT = ctrl.Value
                    End If
                End If
        strpath = "C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\temp_rm6\" & arr(2)
        PictureBox1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D
        PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(strpath)

    End Sub
Here first we pass the default html stream that is fed to the ms exe after 
the init html . Now we get the resultant text output from MS in xml form and 
search for the image path ( the one created at /tmp ) , the imgxy values  
and the imgext values and store them in a global variable . Now with the 
image path obtained we render the image at the picture box . Now the next 
job is to imitate the feed back from the template html thro the picture box 
. The code for it is written in the click event of picture box ....
Private Sub PictureBox1_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As 
System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseUp
        Dim xpos
        Dim ypos
        Dim strtemp

        xpos = e.X()
        ypos = e.Y()

        strtemp = 
        strtemp = strtemp & "imgxy=" & Replace(strXY, " ", "+") & "&imgext=" 
& Replace(strEXT, " ", "+") & ""
        strtemp = strtemp & 
        strtemp = strtemp & "&img.x=" & xpos & "&img.y=" & ypos

        Dim url
        Dim msxml As New MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest
        msxml = New MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest
        msxml.open("GET", strtemp, False)
        url = msxml.responseText
        Dim objdocument
        objdocument = CreateObject("HTMLFILE")

        Dim objforms
        Dim ctrl
        Dim strpath
        Dim arr() As String

        For Each objforms In objdocument.documentElement.document.Forms
            For Each ctrl In objforms.getElementsByTagName("*")
                If ctrl.tagName = "INPUT" Then
                    If ctrl.Name = "img" Then
                        arr = Split(ctrl.src, "/")
                    End If
                    If ctrl.Name = "imgxy" Then
                        strXY = ctrl.Value
                    End If
                    If ctrl.Name = "imgext" Then
                        strEXT = ctrl.Value
                    End If
                End If

        strpath = "C:\ms4w\Apache\htdocs\temp_rm6\" & arr(2)
        PictureBox1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D
        PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(strpath)
        msxml = Nothing

    End Sub
Now the newly obtained X pos and Y pos of the click event are concatenated 
with the default
http://localhost/....../file.map with imgxy + imgext + xpos +ypos . Thats 
all . Now the next created image path is obtained and cool we go . This 
wrapper can be used for adding  panning , zoom out etc .
with thanks in advance

>From: Jan Hartmann <j.l.h.hartmann at uva.nl>
>To: Dharani Babu <dharanibabus at hotmail.com>,  
>mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
>Subject: Re: [Mapserver-users] Passing CGI variables
>Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 11:10:51 +0200
>Dharani Babu wrote:
>>Thanks lot
>>thanks for daniel also. I have a doubt say we click on the template html 
>>image . Now we have a automatic image number created like 
>>tmp/DEMO1080825720168.png . Now As I am trying to automatically point to 
>>the recently created png image , how to find out the image number ( thats 
>>the image file name DEMO+ 1080825720168? ) I am writing a skin with vb.net 
>>to handle this so that I display the images without browser support .
>If you create don't need web access cou can create a very simple template 
>When you do a call to MapServer with a mapfile pointing to this template, 
>you'll get back the picture in the tmp directory, and the path to that file 
>on standard output. You can use that name in your vb.net application.

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