[Mapserver-users] Really, Really Strange Behaviour - WFS & PostGIS

Keith Campbell scoota at supanet.com
Mon Apr 19 12:07:36 PDT 2004

Hi All,

I've posted this one a couple of times without response, so I thought 
I'd try once more, this time with some links.

Here's a map based on a couple of shape files (don't bother with the 
controls -they don't work):-


Here's a WFS request for the same mapfile:-


(Sorry, it could be a bit slow)

OK so far, but note that there are several features from both UrbanAreas 
and Motorways. Now if the data is loaded into PostGIS, here's the map:-


Still OK. Now, the WFS request with the same mapfile (not so slow):-


Only one feature from UrbanAreas and nothing at all from Motorways - 
anybody know what's going on?



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