[Mapserver-users] Mapserver - OGR - Oracle (revisited)

bartvde at xs4all.nl bartvde at xs4all.nl
Wed Apr 7 07:45:51 PDT 2004

Hi Daniel,

thanks. This works (I should have read the WMS server HowTo more carefully

Now I have found a new problem for which I cannot find the cause.

GetFeatureInfo works when the using HTML output (no info_format specified
in URL), but when using GML output I get an empty GML. There are no
strange column names with spaces in the data, which could be a cause for

Here is an example from the HTML output:

GetFeatureInfo results:

  Feature 4:
    OGR_FID = '21'
    POSTCODE = '0'
    CULTUURCOD = '00'
    PERCEEL = 'LEU00C 01233G0000'

The GML retrieved on the same x and y coordinates (BTW does not make any
difference which x and y I use):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>


Any ideas what is causing this? No messages in the error file.

Best regards,

> bartvde at xs4all.nl wrote:
>> But now there is the following problem that a WMS GetCapabilities
>> request
>> takes more than one minute (also resulting in a full table scan in
>> Oracle). Is there any way to prevent this, can it be read from the
>> USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA table or the MAP file?
> You can set the "wms_extent" layer metadata in the mapfile and this
> value will be used in priority. The value is "minx miny maxx maxy" in
> the same projection as the data.
> If the wms_extent is not found then MapServer does its best to calculate
> the extents, depending on the format and its implementation in OGR that
> could be very quick, or very long as you noticed here.
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>   Daniel Morissette               dmorissette at dmsolutions.ca
>   DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
> ------------------------------------------------------------

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