[Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver help needed for SDE support.

Pericles S. Nacionales nacional at cbs.umn.edu
Thu Apr 29 09:13:16 PDT 2004


If you are compiling on Windows with VC6/7, you need to edit the file
nmake.opt and change the relevant options.  There's an option for ArcSDE
in this file.  You generally don't have to edit makefile.vc as all paths
and options are in nmake.opt.  Once you've made the necessary changes,
run "nmake /f makefile.vc".

If you are using CYGWIN, I don't know if you can compile/link against
native Win32 libraries.

Good luck!

On Thu, 2004-04-29 at 08:38, Howard Butler wrote:
> Rajaraman,
> For compiling MapServer on Windows see 
> <http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc40/win32_compile-howto.html>.  I have no 
> experience doing so with SDE, but I am aware that after you set the 
> variables necessary in nmake.opt, you will also need a .DEF file that 
> contains a list of symbols that does some special mapping of the SDE 
> library symbol names to those that VC 6 can understand.
> Speaking of which, does anyone know where that little blurb of 
> documentation went?
> Howard
> At 06:58 AM 4/29/2004, you wrote:
> >Dear sir,
> >
> >
> >I am having the basic question, is the compiling of SDE libraries possible 
> >in windows platform or else only in the Linux platform.
> >
> >if so in windows platform, I am not knowing where to add #./configure 
> >--with-sde=/home/sde/lib_83
> >
> >another thing is I am trying to find out the suppoting types for the 
> >mapserver on my system by running
> >
> >at DOS command prompt.
> >
> >C:\Programme\Apache\cgi-bin\mapserv -v
> >
> >with this above command execution I am not able to see anything.....
> >
> >can you suggest me how to proceed.
> >
> >Initially I installed Mapserver with the help of Mapserver suite 1.0 CD 
> >with pre compiled libraries.
> >
> >Thank you in advance
> >rajaraman
> >
> >
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