[Mapserver-users] Re: Mapserver help needed for SDE support.

Howard Butler hobu at iastate.edu
Thu Apr 29 06:38:39 PDT 2004


For compiling MapServer on Windows see 
<http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc40/win32_compile-howto.html>.  I have no 
experience doing so with SDE, but I am aware that after you set the 
variables necessary in nmake.opt, you will also need a .DEF file that 
contains a list of symbols that does some special mapping of the SDE 
library symbol names to those that VC 6 can understand.

Speaking of which, does anyone know where that little blurb of 
documentation went?


At 06:58 AM 4/29/2004, you wrote:
>Dear sir,
>I am having the basic question, is the compiling of SDE libraries possible 
>in windows platform or else only in the Linux platform.
>if so in windows platform, I am not knowing where to add #./configure 
>another thing is I am trying to find out the suppoting types for the 
>mapserver on my system by running
>at DOS command prompt.
>C:\Programme\Apache\cgi-bin\mapserv -v
>with this above command execution I am not able to see anything.....
>can you suggest me how to proceed.
>Initially I installed Mapserver with the help of Mapserver suite 1.0 CD 
>with pre compiled libraries.
>Thank you in advance
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