[Mapserver-users] Mapserver permissions?

Eduardo Patto Kanegae eduardo at consultoria.eti.br
Tue Apr 20 08:10:34 PDT 2004

If you're using the MapServer CGI version, your executable must have r+x perms. for the webserver user

your Temp dir ( where mapserver saves image files) must be r+w permissions for the webserver user.

if you're going to use datafiles like ShapeFiles, GeoTiffs, MapInfo files, etc... a nice tip is to put them outside a downloadable direcotory and give them permissions READ for webserver user. so, the CGI executable or PHPMapScript will be able to read the datafiles but users will not be able to download files via internet.


Eduardo Patto Kanegae
UIN: 303747254

I Encontro Nacional de Usuários MapServer - http://mapserver.cttmar.univali.br/encontro2004
Projeto MapServer Brasil - http://mapserver.cttmar.univali.br

***Fim da Mensagem / End of Message ***

On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 14:13:01 +0100, "Mark Balman" <Mark.Balman at birdlife.org> escreveu:

> De: "Mark Balman" <Mark.Balman at birdlife.org>
> Data: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 14:13:01 +0100
> Para: <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
> Assunto: [Mapserver-users] Mapserver permissions?
> Hi List
> Having got a demo working nicely on Mandrake 9.2, Apache 2, PHP 4.3.4,
> Mapserver 4.01, I am trying to get this uploaded onto a host. Could
> someone help explain the file permissions as I am getting nowhere fast!
> What does the mapserv executable have to be? I have this running as 777
> on my local development machine in /var/www/cgi-bin and it works fine.
> Does mapserver have to be world writable? If I change these on my local
> machine then I get file not found message or a dialog box asking to
> download..?
> What does the /tmp directory have to be? I also have this as 777.. Also
> works fine
> So I am a bit stumped, I do understand that there are several security
> issues to note..
> Any help would be gratefully appreciated, I have read and scanned the
> mailing lists all to no avail!
> Many thanks
> Mark

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