[Mapserver-users] Displaying Table data from MySQL

Mark Fennell mfennell at markfennell.com
Tue Apr 6 02:39:41 EDT 2004

Hi. I am a noob. And having spent several hours hunting through the
mailing-list help, I was hoping that perhaps there may be someone with a
concise answer/script.

I have set up mapserver 3.6 on a Mac OS X (That¹s a mission!) with php

I have my shapefile for the places I want to display working fine.

Now I want to display (as labels, and possible as imagemap?) from a mySQL db
a list of names with lat / long coords stored as numbers.

I am happy to go with either a dynamic solution, or have a periodic script
generate the shapefile. I have tried a few of the current scripts on the
list (and I am able to draw the point, but get very lost when it comes to
adding in the Name that I want to display, and then displaying it as a

Thanks for your help,
Cheers Mark Fennell

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