[Mapserver-users] Feature Count

Irene Pérez irenutxa2000 at yahoo.es
Tue Apr 13 06:02:25 EDT 2004

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Hello, how to get the number of rows of a files of MAPINFO? I'm trying with querybyattributes but i need all results. 
getnumresults only is used with a query,...
I'm working with OGR, then isn't a SHAPEFILE.
Thank You.

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<DIV>Hello, how to get the number of rows of a files of MAPINFO? I'm trying with querybyattributes but i need <STRONG>all results. </STRONG></DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>getnumresults only is used with a query,...</STRONG></DIV>
<DIV>I'm working with OGR, then isn't a SHAPEFILE.</DIV>
<DIV>Thank You.</DIV>
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