[Mapserver-users] Feature Count

Tyler Mitchell TMitchell at lignum.com
Tue Apr 13 08:11:40 PDT 2004

Irene, you can use ogrinfo to tell you more information about your file. 
Or are you trying to build this in programmatically into the web site?  If 
so, can you do a query that includes all the values??

mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu wrote on 04/13/2004 03:02:25 AM:

> Hello, how to get the number of rows of a files of MAPINFO? I'm 
> trying with querybyattributes but i need all results. 
> getnumresults only is used with a query,...
> I'm working with OGR, then isn't a SHAPEFILE.
> Thank You.
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