[Mapserver-users] Stile problem with SWF and fdb fonts

mapserver at no-log.org mapserver at no-log.org
Wed Apr 7 07:36:08 EDT 2004

Hi Ray,

I've partially solved the problem.
Your font type must be defined as truetype and not bitmap when using fdb

  TYPE truetype
  FONT "your_font"

If you use shp2img, same issue ?
shp2img -m your_mapfile.map -o test.swf

I've experienced some crashs when rendering fonts with ming.
I can't use php mapscript module and php ming module at the same time.
(under linux php_mapscript.so and php_ming.so). All works fine but when i
try to render an swf object which uses fonts using the ming module i get
an internal server error.

I'll check the latest release from cvs, i've reported the bug it is maybe
solved ;)

I expect it will help

Christophe Beveraggi

> I am having this same issue. I'm running mapserver 4.0.1 with ming v0.3a
> on
> a Solaris 8 (sparc) box. I was getting an internal server error with 4.0.1
> then I switched to the latest nightly build and no more internal errors.
> But
> I don't get any fonts showing up at all. Also I am using .fdb fonts
> directly
> from the ming site. Everything else seems to be working just fine all the
> layers are displayed and look great I just don't have any labels...
> Has anyone run into this same problem? or better yet resolved it?....I'm
> not
> sure what else to try at this point since I'm no longer recieving any
> error
> messages at all....any help would be appreciated...
> Ray,
>   NAME swf
>   MIMETYPE "application/x-shockwave-flash"
>   EXTENSION "swf"
> ...
>   LABELITEM "name"
>     MAXSCALE 10000
>     NAME 'Local Road'
>     COLOR 131 132 125
>     SYMBOL 'circle'
>     SIZE 2
>     LABEL
>               TYPE BITMAP
>               POSITION uc
>               FONT "sans-fdb"
>               COLOR 0 30 50 #51 51 51
>               OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255
>               SIZE SMALL
>               PARTIALS FALSE
>               BUFFER 1
>     END
>   END
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu
> [mailto:mapserver-users-admin at lists.gis.umn.edu]On Behalf Of
> mapserver at no-log.org
> Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 10:40 AM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Subject: [Mapserver-users] Stile problem with SWF and fdb fonts
> Hi,
> First, s/Stile/Still in subject sorry ;)
> New strange thing, all layers are rendered correctly with
> OUTPUT_MOVIE=multiple using fdb fonts when i use shp2img with my mapfile.
> Always internal server error using php_mapscript and apache with multiple
> swf layers rendering, and no problem with unique layer rendering
> (OUTPUT_MOVIE=single).
> Any help would be appreciated :)
> Sample of the layer:
>   NAME "Regions"
>   TYPE line
>   DATA "lim_adm_france_dom"
>   STATUS on
>   DEBUG on
>    CLASS
>       DEBUG on
>       NAME 'regions'
>       EXPRESSION ('[NATURE]' eq 'Limite de région')
>       SIZE 3
>       COLOR 255 0 0
>       SYMBOL "circle"
>       LABEL
>        TYPE bitmap
>        FONT "verdana"
>        COLOR 0 0 0
>        SIZE 12
>        MAXSIZE 18
>        POSITION CC
>        ANGLE AUTO
>        BUFFER 2
>       END
>    END
>     "init=epsg:2154"
>    END
> Thanks
> Christophe Beveraggi
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