[Mapserver-users] how to turn off central point for labels (or how not to draw them for attribute=0) ?

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Mon Apr 26 06:32:56 PDT 2004

Hi Moritz,

even if the value for the LABELSIZEITEM attribute is 0/NULL, there is a 
point that then gets the default label, which is for point type layers a 
single pixel. To avoid this you could try to filter your data at the 
layer level, so that your layer only conatins points, that have a 
meanigful value for the LABELSIZEITEM attribute, e.g. something like


HTH, Michael

Moritz Lennert schrieb:

> Hello,
> I am trying to draw point symbols proportionate to a given attribute. I
> use LABELSIZEITEM to do this (thanks to Jan Hartmann for the tip) and it
> works like a charm.
> The only problem I have is that when the attribute column contains zeros
> (or NULLS, but in a dbf-file nulls seem to be 0s), instead of seeing
> nothing in those places where the attribute is zero I still get a tiny
> central point taht looks like a label anchoring point.
> Where there is a value for the attribute the central point is covered by
> the symbol. If my explanation is not clear, please see here:
> http://moritz.homelinux.org/misc/mapserver_central_label_points.png
> Is there a way to turn these central points off ?
> Moritz
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Michael Schulz                                in medias res
Dipl.-Geologe                              Gesellschaft für
                                 Informationstechnologie mbH
                                      In den Weihermatten 66
		                             79108 Freiburg
                                      0761 55695-95 (Fax 96)
mschulz at webgis.de              www.webgis.de/www.zopecms.de

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