[Mapserver-users] layer->open(shape) Problem

Sam Choudry samuzzal at linux.net
Fri Apr 23 06:03:46 PDT 2004


I was doing a point query and the querybypoint() was successful. But in GMapDumpQueryResults(), for line 


I got the following warning and error.

Warning: Wrong parameter count for open() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\nalbari\barama.php on line 164

Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msLayerGetShape(): Shapefile layer has not been opened. in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\nalbari\barama.php on line 189

As far I know, number and type of parameter passed is OK. Then why is occuring. Can anybody give some hint. I am using MapScript V.4.1. Good Bye.


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