[Mapserver-users] Draw only Labeled features

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu Apr 15 10:12:38 PDT 2004

If the LAYER is ANNOTATION instead of POINT the it will only draw the 
object if it can be labeled. Just change the type POINT to ANNOTATION 
and make sure you LABEL definitions are in that LAYER and it should work.

If not add the layer definition in your post so we can see it.

-Steve W.


> Thanks for the response. I actually use this on some of my layers right
> now, but how would I also draw the feature if the label gets placed, but
> not draw the feature if the label does not get placed.
> Andrew
>>>>Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com> 4/15/2004 9:49:40 AM
> For the layer definition set
> and this should do it.
> -Steve W.
>>I hope that I can express my question concisely. 
>>I am wondering if there is any way that I can have my map draw
> features
>>only if they are labeled. I often use the GNIS and would like to
> only
>>draw features if they are labeled.  It looks weird to have a point
>>without a label and is sometimes confusing. I have tried to figure
> out
>>how to manage the data properly, but the GNIS layer is sometimes not
> the
>>most important layer in the current extent and sometimes it is. It
>>depends on the other layers so I haven't figured out how to do this
>>using good data organization. I am imaging using the same rules for
>>labeling and if the feature doesn't get a label, then don't draw the
>>point. Can I somehow use MAXFEATURES to get what I want? 
>>If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it.  I use
> PHP/MapScript
>>(the latest version) and am not afraid of a little PHP programming,
> if
>>this is the best way to do it.
>>Thanks for your help.
>>Andrew Wooley
>>GIS Coordinator
>>Mountainland Association of Governments
>>586 E 800 N
>>Orem, UT 84097
>>ph: 801.229.3844
>>email: awooley at mountainland.org 
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