[Mapserver-users] Draw only Labeled features

ANDREW WOOLEY AWOOLEY at mountainland.org
Thu Apr 15 09:48:13 PDT 2004

Thanks for the response. I actually use this on some of my layers right
now, but how would I also draw the feature if the label gets placed, but
not draw the feature if the label does not get placed.


>>> Stephen Woodbridge <woodbri at swoodbridge.com> 4/15/2004 9:49:40 AM
For the layer definition set
and this should do it.

-Steve W.


> Folks,
> I hope that I can express my question concisely. 
> I am wondering if there is any way that I can have my map draw
> only if they are labeled. I often use the GNIS and would like to
> draw features if they are labeled.  It looks weird to have a point
> without a label and is sometimes confusing. I have tried to figure
> how to manage the data properly, but the GNIS layer is sometimes not
> most important layer in the current extent and sometimes it is. It
> depends on the other layers so I haven't figured out how to do this
> using good data organization. I am imaging using the same rules for
> labeling and if the feature doesn't get a label, then don't draw the
> point. Can I somehow use MAXFEATURES to get what I want? 
> If anyone has any advice, I would appreciate it.  I use
> (the latest version) and am not afraid of a little PHP programming,
> this is the best way to do it.
> Thanks for your help.
> Andrew Wooley
> GIS Coordinator
> Mountainland Association of Governments
> 586 E 800 N
> Orem, UT 84097
> ph: 801.229.3844
> email: awooley at mountainland.org 
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