[Mapserver-users] shape extent

Ryan, Adam ARyan at co.linn.or.us
Wed Apr 7 13:22:20 PDT 2004

>Does anyone know how to either extract the shape extent for multiple

There's probably a more elegant/better way to do this, but here's my
function.  If anyone can help simply/enhance this that'd be great.  $l is a
layer object.  $b is the desired buffer as a decimal, ie 0.10.  This assumes
a layer in not tiled.

function getLayerResultExtent($l,$b){
	$r1 = $l->getResult(0);
	$s1 = $l->getShape(-1,$r1->shapeindex);
	for ($li=1;$li<($l->getNumResults());$li++){
    		$r = $l->getResult($li);
    		$s = $l->getShape(-1,$r->shapeindex);
	if ($b!=0){
	return array($minx,$miny,$maxx,$maxy);

Hope it helps,


-----Original Message-----
From: leo.olivieri at tin.it [mailto:leo.olivieri at tin.it] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 7:47 AM
To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: [Mapserver-users] shape extent

Hello list,
I use PHP mapscript
I am doing an queryByRect and trying to get the shape extent for all the
polygons returned so I can set a new mapextent for the map.      
Does anyone know how to either extract the shape extent for multiple

Thanks in advance.
Leonardo Olivieri

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