[Mapserver-users] erase img from tmp directory

william paul williampaul28 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 23 01:31:13 PDT 2004

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

i am new with mapserver. I would like to know how can I erase the img file from the tmp directory, for example each time when it is created an image in the tmp directory i want to be replaced with the new one, in this way you used extremly low space to store the img files.
can any one help?

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<DIV>i am new with mapserver. I would like to know how can I erase the img file from the tmp directory, for example each time when it is created an image in the tmp directory i want to be replaced with the new one, in this way you used extremly low space to store the img files.</DIV>
<DIV>can any one help?</DIV>
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