[Mapserver-users] truetype symbol size in legend

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Tue Apr 27 10:05:11 EDT 2004

Eric Bridger said:
> On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 04:28, Moritz Lennert wrote:
>> Eric Bridger said:
>> > This is something of a hack also but you could create a separate layer
>> > just for displaying the legend. Remove the NAME from your CLASS  above
>> > to prevent it from displaying in the legend.
>> >
>> > Create a new LAYER:
>> > NAME Cerclestt_legend
>> > CLASS
>> >   NAME "Symbole cercle TT"
>> >   COLOR 255 0 0
>> >   # circle name defined in symbol.sym file
>> >   SYMBOL "circle"
>> >   SIZE N
>> > END
>> >
>> > Set N to the size you want in pixels.  You could also create a
>> TrueType
>> > "N" circle in your symbol.sym file and use that as your SYMBOL.
>> >
>> Thank you, now I get a nice legend. However, it is visible all the time,
>> and would like to have it shown only when the corresponding layer is
>> visible. So, I've been experimenting with the REQUIRES command. However,
>> I
>> just can't seem to make it work. When I set STATUS to DEFAULT, the
>> legend
>> is always visible, when I set it to ON or OFF it is never visible, even
>> when the layer CerclesTT is visible...
>> Any hints ?
>> Here's my Layer definition:
>> LAYER # Legende pour cercles truetype
>>     NAME Cerclestt_legend
>>     STATUS ON
>>     REQUIRES "[Cerclestt]"
>>     CLASS
>>       NAME "3 travailleurs"
>>       COLOR 255 0 0
>>       SYMBOL "point_tt"
>>       SIZE 30
>>     END
>>  END # Legende pour cercles truetype
> You'll discover that with Mapserver there's always more than one way to
> get the job done.

That's the charm of opensource isn't it ? ;-)

> Alternatively, and perhaps most cleanly is to investigate the GROUP tag
> in your map file. Have both the layer and legend layer use the same
> group name. Then both would get turned on/off together. (I couldn't test
> this, not being set up to use templates.

This works beautifully and does seem to be the cleanest solution. I just
replaced the original layer's name ("Cerclestt") with the group name
('gcerclestt") and voilà !

Thanks a lot Eric !


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