[Mapserver-users] Query : No results

David Fawcett David.Fawcett at state.mn.us
Wed Apr 7 08:22:03 PDT 2004


Take a look at EMPTY in


David J. Fawcett
MN Office of Environmental Assistance

>>> Sebastien Vincent <svincent at idems.fr> 4/7/2004 10:00:21 AM >>>

I run mapserv 4.0.1 without any problems.

I put the mapserv form and variables in a frame of my webpage. The 
tools, reference map, scalebar, layers control etc... are in the main 
page. With javascript I change the values of the hidden vars witch are

in the frame and I submit the form. It works pretty fine :)

I can know doing some querys, but when the query have no results, 
mapserv return a page, with only a message saying that there is no 
results. I want to display in this case, another page (saying "In 
French", for my visitors, that the query failed, and reload the map as

it was before the query).

I searched CGI vars, Templates and Map File references. But without 
results, searched also and the mailling list archive without more

This is the reason I'm asking you :/

Thanks in advance if you have any advice for me,

best regards,

seb :)
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