[Mapserver-users] Mapserver 4.1 compile using VC 6

Swaminathan, Gayathri gayathri at ou.edu
Mon Apr 5 12:49:38 EDT 2004

Hi List:
I thought I will post my petty hurdles...to the list when compiling
mapserver 4.1....(incase someone else comes across similar problems when


GD - 2.0.22- http://www.boutell.com/gd/manual2.0.22.html#buildgd

Zlib- went well (use included makefile)

GDAL1.2 - went smooth (use included makefile)

Regex-0.12 - (use included makefile)

ECW_SDK from http://ermapper.com

curl and libcurl 7.11.1 - Use included workspace in source

Freetype2.1.7 - Use included workspace in source

Lib png 1.2.5 -smooth build - (use included makefile)

Proj 4.4.7-smooth build - (use included makefile)

Modify makefile to compile maptime.obj 

Oh! And make sure you have same OPTFLAGS defined when compiling
mapserver and gdal to avoid mismatched set of compile/build options


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