[Mapserver-users] Interoperability Day: Request for Live App URLs

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Apr 22 09:04:33 EDT 2004

Hello all,

As part of the "Canadian Interoperability Day Showcase" for the OGC 
meeting here in Ottawa (http://www.opengis.org/events/?page=040423) DM 
Solutions will have a booth tomorrow promoting open source and 
mapserver.  We would like to show cool apps that use and promote OGC 
specs (WMS, WFS, SLD, Context, etc.) ...so please send me some links if 
you'd like us to show your app.  Please include a brief description of 
which specs are used.  Thanks a lot.


Jeff McKenna
GIS Specialist
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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