[Mapserver-users] pointObj->draw() not working!

Ken-ichi Ueda kueda at wso.williams.edu
Fri Apr 9 23:37:42 EDT 2004

Could the lack of OGR be an issue?  Do you need OGR to do this kind of 
thing?  This may be a stupid question, since I'm not entirely clear on 
what OGR does.


On Apr 9, 2004, at 12:39 AM, Ken-ichi Ueda wrote:

> Hi list.  Although my previous addPoint problem remains unanswered and 
> unsolved, I have yet another problem.  For some reason phpMapScript's 
> pointObj->draw() isn't working either!  I've put together what I think 
> is a pretty trivial test of the function, and it doesn't give any 
> error messages, but it also doesn't draw the point I want it to.  I've 
> included my version info and the test script below.  Please respond!  
> Even if it looks like it should work and you're clueless.  I just want 
> a little feedback.
> Thanks in advance!
> MapServer Version
>  MapServer version 4.0.1 OUTPUT=PNG OUTPUT=JPEG OUTPUT=WBMP 
>  PHP MapScript Version
>  ($Revision: 1.177 $ $Date: 2003/07/30 19:01:31 $)
> <?php
> dl('php_mapscript.so');
> // Default values and configuration
> $map_path = 
> "/Library/WebServer/Documents/maplab/projects/Naturalists/";
> $map_file = "naturalists.map";
> $map = ms_newMapObj($map_path.$map_file);
> $my_point = ms_newpointObj();
> $my_point->setXY(217,240);
> //get layer object
> $daLayer = $map->getLayerByName( "Points" );
> $image = $map->draw();
> $my_point->draw( $map, $daLayer, $image, 0, "Temp Point" );
> $image_url=$image->saveWebImage();
> ?>
> <html>
> <head><title>point draw test</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <img SRC="<?php echo $image_url?>" align="left">
> </body>
> </html>
> -Ken-ichi
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